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Work experience

2010 - Present

Assistant Professor

RSU Teeth therapy and Oral Health Department

Study Process ManagementThe study program preparationParticipation in the project implementationParticipation in research workDocumentation development, presentation and processing in accordance with the laws, regulations and instructions.

1996 - Present

Pediatric dentist

RSU SIA Institute of Stomatology (Dzirciema 20, Riga, Latvia)

Qualitative Patient and Professional treatment.Entirre confidence in their ability to professionally carry out their work. Skilfully adapt to changing circumstances and requirements. The ability to understand and work with different colleagues.

2002 - 2010


Department of Therapeutic Dentistry

Study process for the organization and clinical training organization.• Participation in research work• Documentation design, presentation and processing• Participation in the RSU collegiate institutions.

1998 - 1999

Senior analyst

Therapeutic Dentistry department

Technical equipment of study / research work• Preparation of consumables according to the study / research work• Support for scientific / study work• Documentation design, presentation and processing in accordance with the laws, regulations and instructions• Ensuring communication with clients.

Education and training


PhD degree

Riga Stradiņš University



Riga’s Institute of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade


J. Gudkina, SH. Abrams, A.Brinkmane, I. Rogovska, G.Locāne. ICDAS II and Salivary Cariogenic Microflora in Caries Development in Riga's Children with Baseline Age 6 and 12 Years: A Follow-Up Study. Caries Res 2011; 45:207. (abstarct)

J. Gudkina, A. Brinkmane, I. Rogovska, I.Maldupa. Sugar and fluoride as factors influencing caries experience among 6- and 12-year olds in Riga, Latvia. Caries Res 2009; 43:203. (abstarct)

J. Gudkina, A. Brinkmane, I. Rogovska. Sugar and Caries in Riga's 6-and 12-year olds. IADR 86 congress, 2008; 103.lpp. (abstarct)

J. Gudkina, A. Brinkmane, I. Rogovska. Dental Caries experience in relation to salivary cariogenic microflora, secretion rate buffer capacity among 6- year old and 12- year old children in Riga. Caries Res 2007; 41:319 (abstarct)

J. Gudkina, A. Brinkmane. Kariesa intensitātes rādītāji 6 g.v. un 12 g.v. bērniem un vecāku uzraudzītu zobu tīrīšanas ietekme 6 g.v. bērniem 2007. gadā Rīgā. RSU Zinātniskā konference 2007, 215 lpp. (abstarct)

R.Care, S.Stelmačonoka, J.Gudkina, D.Rakicka. Mutes veselības salīdzinošie epidemioloģiskie dati bērniem Rīgā 1993-1998.gadā. Latvijas Pirmais zobārstu kongress, 1998, 45 lpp. (tēzes)


ORCA -2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015

RSU Scientific conference – 2003-2016

LZA conference "Medica"- 2012,2013

'Expo Latvia Dental „-2015,2016

IADR congres - 2008

EAPD congres – 2006


Educational courses-2003 (09.05-27.06),2007, 2015,2016.

Lectured study course

Paediatric Therapeutic Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry


Pilot caries Epidemiology study" - an international project together with " Unilever Port Sunlight " (England) research laboratories


Research articles​​

Gudkina J, Brinkmane A , Abrams S.H, Amaechi B.T. Factors influencing the caries experience of 6 and 12 year old children in Riga Latvia.Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2016, 18: 14-20.

​Ksilitols kā kariesa profilakses līdzeklis / B.Rūple, J.Gudkina, A.Brinkmane, E.Senakola // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.1 (2012), 30.-34.lpp.

Review of the success of pulp exposure treatment of cariously and traumatically exposed pulps in immature permanent incisors and molars / J.Gudkina, A.Mindere-Gūbele, G.Locane, A.Brinkmane // Stomatologija. - Vol.14, N 3 (2012), p.71-80. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Zandberga, Dace. Kariesa vakcīnu pielietojums zobārstniecībā / D.Zandberga, J.Gudkina, A.Brinkmane // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.1 (2011), 28.-31.lpp.

Gudkina, Jekaterina. The impact of salivary mutans streptococci and sugar consumption on caries experience in 6-year olds and 12-year olds in Riga / J.Gudkina, A.Brinkmane // Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal. - Vol.12, N 2 (2010), p.56-59. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Locāne, Gundega. Metožu praktiskais pielietojums, ārstējot atvērtu pulpu jauniem pastāvīgiem zobiem / G.Locāne, J.Gudkina, A.Brinkmane // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.2 (2010), 22.-24.lpp.


The influence of ozone, sealants and fluoride varnish on occlusal caries development in 12 months period [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Kalnina, R.Care, A.Brinkmane, J.Gudkina // 12th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (Sopot, Poland, June 5-8, 2014) : Abstracts [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Sopot, 2014. - P.63. - Resurss aprakstīts 2015.g. 28.apr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Gudkina J, Amaechi B.T, , Abrams S.H, ,Brinkmane A.. Caries Increment and Dietary Habits in 6 and 12 Years Old Children in Riga, Latvia. Caries Res 2015;49,345

Sensitivity and specificity of dmfs/DMFS to ICDAS II in Riga’s children with baseline age 6 and 12 years : a follow-up study / J.Gudkina, A.Brinkmane, I.Rogovska ...[et al.] // Caries Research. - Vol.47, No.5 (2013, Sept.), p.483. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

ICDASII and salivary cariogenic microflora in caries development in Riga's children with baseline age 6 and 12 years : a follow-up study [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Gudkina, A.Brinkmane, I.Rogovska ...[et al.] // Caries Research [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.45 (2011), p.207. - 58th ORCA Congress (Kaunas, Lithuania, July 6-9, 2011) : Abstracts. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.


General dentistry (certification and re -certification ) -1998, 2003, 2008, 2013; Pediatric dentistry(certification and re -certification) -2006,2011,2016


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