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Work experience

2018 - Present


Faculty of Medicine, Statistical Unit

2019 - Present

SAM maģistra studiju programmas izstrādes eksperts

Faculty of Medicine, Statistical Unit

2017 - Present

Acting Lecturer

Faculty of Medicine, Statistical Unit

2017 - 2018

Scientific consultant

Faculty of Medicine, Statistical Unit

Education and training

2018 - Present

Mathematics PhD

University of Latvia

2015 - 2017

Mathematics Master’s degree

University of Latvia

2010 - 2015

Mathematics Statistics Bachelor`s Degree of Higher Professional Education Programme

University of Latvia

1997 - 2009

General Secondary Education

Saulkrasti Secondary School


Supervised study course

Basics of Biostatistics



Astmosil® un Atmosil® klīniskā efektivitāte, salīdzinot ar placebo, pacientiem ar vidēji smagu persistējošu nekontrolētu bronhiālo astmu / M.Oniščuka, A.Ivanovs, E.Šauriņa ...[u.c.] // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.9 (2018), 37.-42.lpp.


Bone Loss around Dental Implants 5 Years after Implantation of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate (HAp/βTCP) Granules, Vadims Klimecs, Alexanders Grishulonoks, Ilze Salma, Laura Neimane, Janis Locs, Eva Saurina, and Andrejs Skagers, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 4804902, 7 pages,


Lectured study course

Applied Sociology: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Basic Statistics

Basics of Biostatistics



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