ContactsFaculty of Social SciencesKuldīgas iela 9c, RīgaE-mail: karlina.grivina@rsu.lvView mapRelated news A year of growth: Advancing study programmes and research at the Faculty of Health and Sports SciencesInternal consolidation, Anniversaries You have to love numbers! Anniversary conversation with Record Keeper for Educational Work Elita ZvidriņaFor RSU Employees, Anniversaries, RSU History RSU Alumni Association elects new boardRSU Alumni Anniversary interview with Prof. Ardis Platkājis: on radiology, medical innovations, students, and sportsResearchers Up Close, For RSU Employees, Anniversaries RSU Museum of Anatomy invites you to the opening of Laimdota Malle's exhibition - Meet the artist!For Students, For RSU Employees, RSU Alumni, ExhibitionsColleaguesAssoc. Prof. Anželika Berķe-BergaAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Dina BiteAcademic Staff, Lead ResearcherAssoc. Prof. Inga KudeikinaProgramme Group Leader, Academic StaffAssoc. Prof. Dr. philol. Ilva SkulteAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. dr. Marta UrbāneAcademic Staff, Acting Lead ResearcherAssoc. Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Māris AndžānsAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Dr. sc. admin. Henrijs KaļķisAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Dr. iur. Aldis LieljuksisAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Romāns PutānsAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. PhD Klāvs SedlenieksAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Vents SīlisAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Andrejs JudinsVisiting ProfessorAssoc. Prof. Jānis NeimanisVisiting ProfessorAsst. Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-ČerenkovaManager, Academic Staff, Lead researcher, scientific project manager, Director, Social Sciences doctoral programmeAsst. Prof. Dr. philol. Inga LaizāneAcademic Staff, Research technology consultantAsst. Prof. Dr. iur. Kitija BiteAcademic Staff, Arbitrator of the Academic Arbitration CourtAsst. Prof. Dr. phil. Māra GrīnfeldeAcademic Staff, Acting Lead ResearcherAsst. Prof. Lidija Juļa Academic Staff, Programme Group Leader, Lead Researcher Show more