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Work experience

2015 - Present

Technical assisstant

Department of Biology and Microbiology, Riga Stradins university

▪ Study schedule planning in clinical subjects as "Clinical immunology and clinical genetics" and "Topical issues in Clinical Immunology and Genetics, Tumour Immunology, Allergy and Immunity metabolism and Immunity "

2016 - Present


Riga Stradins University, Department of Biology and Microbiologyo

▪ Practical classes in Medical Microbiology for medical and dentistry students in Latvian and English.

Education and training

2012 - 2018

Medical diploma

Faculty of Medicine, Riga Stradins university

2009 - 2012

Secondary education

Cēsis state gymnasium

2000 - 2009

Primary education

Cēsis first elementary school


Tālākizglītība​ u.c. profesionālās pilnveides aktivitātes

European Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) 7. Baltic Anesthesiology and reanimatology congress.



K. Rācenis, J. Kroiča, L. Avotiņš, L. Vītola, L. Saulkalne, I. Mihailova, A. Pētersons, S.aureus dekontaminācija nefroloģiskiem pacientiem izmantojot dažādas bakteriofāgu suspensijas, RSU Scientific conference, Riga, Latvija, 2018

K.Rācenis, A. S. Olive, L.Avotins, A.Petersons, A.O. Balode, J.Kroica, Biofilm formation screening among uropathogenic E.coli, 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Madrid, Spain, 2018

L. Saulkalne, L. Avotiņš, L. Vītola, K. Rācenis, L. Eglīte, Predisposing factors for S.aureus carriage in PD patients, The 17th international Congress of Young Medical Scientists, Poznan, Poland, 2017

L. Avotiņš, L. Saulkalne, L. Vītola, L. Eglīte, K. Rācenis, K. Kroiča, A promising method for S.aureus treatment and decoonization in peritoneal dialysis patients, 13th Warsaw international medical congress, Warsaw, Poland, 2017

L. Vītola, L. Saulkalne, L. Avotiņš, I. Puide, A. Pētersons, J. Kroiča, S.aureus and meticillin-resistant S.aureus screening in nephrological patients, RSU International Student cenference, Riga, Latvia, 2017

Bacteriophages as potential treatment for infections in S.aureus colonised nephrological patients: an in vitro study : [abstract] / K.Rācenis, L.Eglīte, L.Avotiņš, V.Kuzema, A.Pētersons, J.Kroiča ...[et al.] // XIII Baltic Nephrology Conference (Jurmala, Latvia, Oct.13-15, 2016) : Final Programme. - Jurmala, 2016. - P.28.

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