Mixed Choir Rīga
The RSU Choir Rīga has always been an integral and important part of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). Many currently well-known doctors and scientists have once stood in its ranks. The choir has performed in over than 20 languages and traveled the world.
The choir was established in 1951 and for almost 20 years (1967-1986) its conductor was the accomplished professor Jānis Dūmiņš. In 1968, the choir was awarded the status of National Choir. Over the years, the choir has been led by many talented conductors, e.g. Centis Kriķis, Kārlis Beinerts, Edvīns and Inga Dziļums, Ints Teterovskis, etc.
The choir's repertoire varies and performances include pieces from the Renaissance to modern music or music written by contemporary artists, e.g. Paul McCartney's oratorio "Ecce Cor Meum" or Czech composer Petr Eben's music "De Circuito Aeterno".
The choir has performed in many countries and received several awards and international recognition in international competitions. The choir gives many concerts a year and performs in various Latvian towns, as well as at the Matriculation Ceremony and the Graduation Ceremony, as well as other RSU gatherings. Christmas is a busy time of year and the choir performs Christmas concerts in churches together with various orchestras and acclaimed soloists. Additionally the choir goes on international tours and organises summer camps.
Click on the picture below to view the choir.tv feature on the choir (in English) with footage from the Venezia in Musica choir festival held in Spring 2012. Rīga was the winner in the Mixed Choir Group II, also receiving the award for Best Performance in the folklore and contemporary categories.
The mixed choir Rīga website (in Latvian)
Conductor Evita Taranda
Conductor Zane Zilberte