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For Students
Conferences, workshops

On April 4 and 5, Rīga Stradiņš University – for the fifth time on an international scale – will host the biggest student conference in the Baltics – the RSU International Student Conference “Health and Social Sciences” 2019 (ISC). The event will gather participants and experts from Latvia and foreign countries and will also have a large audience.

The RSU International Student Conference is organised by the RSU Student Union with the aim to promote research, share experiences, and, of course, make new connections. In 2019, the conference will be held over the course of two days for the second year in a row.


Last year, the event was attended by over 1300 participants; a total of 320 scientific works were presented, 97 of which were presented by students from other countries, so our goal for next year is to take this conference even further.

“The number of students attending the biggest scientific conferences in Europe is growing every year. This fact is a great motivator to advance our event and develop new and challenging goals to make sure that the quality of our conference is not only as high as that of the best conferences, but can even surpass them in some aspects,” stresses ISC 2018 Organising Committee Chair, RSU student Sandra Cipkina.

“Yes, we want to be among the leading student conferences in Europe. I agree with Sandra, since even in the neighbouring countries such as Estonia and Lithuania, students are organising events that we – RSU students – often attend. Without a doubt, these visits are frequently intertwined with the urge to find out the secret formula that they have introduced to their conferences to make the occasions so well organised and highly attended. Maybe it's some of the fundamental organising ideas that we at times reject or are not sure about. This is the experience we gain to assure that the RSU International Student Conference “Health and Social Sciences” becomes a leader in both quality and popularity rankings among student conferences in Europe,” reveals ISC 2019 Chairman Ulrika Ulla Andersone.

During the two-day conference, participants will have the opportunity to attend various social sciences and health sciences sections. As we develop the conference programme, we are working towards students being able to acquire more knowledge, new skills, and say: “Yes, I gained many interesting insights that will not only help me in the forthcoming study process, but will also be applicable to my daily life!”. It is a known fact that our university is filled with many active individuals since a major part of the preparation for the conference is conducted by RSU Student Interest Groups that will provide a variety of workshops targeted towards increasing one's practical skills.


Registration for RSU students is free.
The working language of the conference is English.

The abstract submission deadline is January 25