Support the RSU Alumni Association!
Every donation enriches the Alumni Association and the alumni community, creating an opportunity to organise events and run continuing education programmes at Rīga Stradiņš University, strengthening the bond with the Alma mater, as well as gathering members of the Alumni Association with shared interests, ideas and wishes, to jointly build alumni life and share new impressions with others.
Our mission is to promote lifelong learning of RSU alumni and to actively promote and support Rīga Stradiņš University, our vision is to become the largest and the most influential Latvian alumni association which brings together RSU alumni – highly qualified specialists in the field of healthcare and social sciences.
Our goal is to inform and support current alumni and to motivate future graduates, making alumni life educational and exciting.
Or make a bank transfer, indicating the purpose of the donation:For the RSU Alumni Association
- RSU Alumni Association details
Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Absolventu asociācija
Reg. no.: 50008137521
Banka: A/S SEB Banka
Bank account: UNLALV2X
Account No.: LV15UNLA0050013761098