Information Centre for Health Care Professionals
The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Red Cross Medical College (RCMC) Library was incorporated into the RSU Library on 1 June 2011. Its functions are carried out by the RSU Library’s Information Centre for Latvian Health Care Professionals, which provides literature, information resources, and services to RCMC academic staff and students.
The RSU Library Information Centre for Latvian Health Care Professionals supports high-quality and competitive academic and professional education. It promotes research careers in medical, health, and social sciences by developing and organising library services. These include Interlibrary Lending (SBA), International Interlibrary Lending (SSBA), and a collection of information sources. The centre also introduces the latest information technologies to enhance its services.
The RSU Library Information Centre for Latvian Health Care Professionals collection consists of over 122,000 items - books, magazines and auto-reports, mainly in medicine and health sciences. The Centre offers its users the ability to search for scientific information in numerous international electronic databases, performs thematic requests, and advises and trains visitors on the use of its services.
Trial databases
- Reference services and consultations in the library, by email, or by phone
- Access to the reading room and borrowing literature
- Use of computers and the internet
- Access to RSU-subscribed databases
- Consultations on search tools for printed materials in the electronic catalogue and subscribed databases
- Interlibrary Loan
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Information Centre for Health Care Professionals
II, VI, V 11.00-18.00
VI, VII Closed
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