RSU Medical Education Technology Centre Wins Certificate of Recognition for Structural Unit of the Year 2022
Many departments at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) worked so selflessly and diligently under the stressful and unusual conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that they not only maintained, but also raised the bar at RSU. The University’s management therefore decided to award two Certificates of Recognition this autumn in addition to the award for Structural Unit of the Year. One went to the Medical Education Technology Centre (METC) and the other to the RSU Anatomy Museum.
The RSU METC received the Certificate of Recognition for its rapid growth over the last few years.
‘The Medical Education Technology Centre takes a simulation-based approach to medical education. It is a bridge between theory and practice,’ explains Ieva Šlēziņa, Director of the Medical Education Technology Centre.
‘We create a safe environment to learn and make mistakes.’
RSU Gada balvu nominācijā "Gada struktūrvienība" RSU Akadēmiskajā ballē, kas notika 2022. gada 10. septembrī Rīgas Latviešu biedrības namā, Medicīnas izglītības tehnoloģiju centra direktorei Ievai Šlēziņai pasniedza veselības studiju prorektors prof. Guntis Bahs
The centre’s activities are not only related to undergraduate studies in health care, but also to continuing education for healthcare professionals and providing first aid training to the public.
The METC is staffed by a team of professionals with unique competencies – simulation instructors, clinical simulation specialists, laboratory technicians, and medical engineers, as well as procurement specialists, and project managers.
Laboratory technicians ensure that artificial blood flows in simulators and that all the necessary materials are prepared for classes. They keep the warehouses tidy and produce the simulated medicines and sterile kits.
‘The clinical simulation coordinator and her team of simulation specialists support the lecturers and
make sure that everything is well thought out and prepared down to the last detail, bringing the simulated environment closer to the real clinical environment,’
explains Simulation Instructor Aleksandrs Oborins. ‘A team of specialists stays behind the mirrored wall during the classes, conducting the vital functions of the simulator according to the scenario, sometimes speaking in the voice of the simulator, and assisting the lecturer.’
Simulation instructors design and implement training contents and programmes according to the students’ needs, from simple manipulations to complex simulation scenarios that are played out in teams.
The work of the METC medical engineers is very versatile and ranges from repairing simulators to being technically innovative. They produce innovative simulators tailored to the needs of the METC.
‘The engineers' task is to ensure that the simulation equipment is compatible with real medical equipment and information technology,’ says Mārtiņš Ļuļļa, Simulation Technology Development Manager.
‘We are creating new solutions, challenging ourselves and sometimes implementing very bold ideas, thus raising the bar for medical education.’
About the METC
- Address: Anniņmuižas bulvāris 26a
- Number of employees: 47
- Director: Ieva Šlēziņa
- The Medical Education Technology Centre was opened on 16 May 2013 and falls under the authority of the Vice-Rector for Health Studies
RSU employees and students nominated candidates for the RSU Annual Award in nine categories at the end of summer 2022. Everyone could then vote for the 25 candidates nominated for Structural Unit of the Year until 12 August. The RSU management determined the winner by choosing one of the three top votes.

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