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Amelie Möller, a 24-year-old dentistry student from Hamm, Germany, is currently in her fourth year of studies at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). Recently elected as the President of international students in the University’s Dental Student Association (DSA), Amelie has been an active member of the association for over two years. As she progresses through her seventh semester, she shares her experiences, ambitions, and upcoming plans for attending two significant healthcare conferences this summer.

Amelie Moeller

Portrait of Amelie Möller. Photo from private archives

Amelie’s dedication to her field is evident, yet she remains open to exploring various aspects of dentistry. ‘Right now I don't have a particular specialty that I am interested in because dentistry is a smaller field in general, but maxillofacial surgery was the most interesting course I had in the last semester,’ she explains. With a keen interest in the diverse possibilities within dentistry, Amelie is contemplating paths that range from entrepreneurship and owning a clinic to working in hospitals or delving into research.

This summer, Amelie is set to attend two prestigious conferences that promise to enrich her professional journey. The first is the European Healthcare Students’ Associations’ Summit (EHSAS) Summer University in Braga, Portugal, at the end of July. ‘The overarching theme is about shaping the future of European healthcare,’ Amelie says, noting the interdisciplinary nature of the event, which includes students from all healthcare-related study courses. The second conference is the 74th EDSA (European Dentistry Student Association) Summer Meeting in Strasbourg, France, focusing exclusively on European dentistry students. This meeting aims to facilitate networking and exchange between universities and countries.

Amelie DSA activity

Amelie (center) at the RSU ISA Info Fair, representing the University's Dental Student Association. Photo from DSA archive

Amelie discovered these opportunities through the EDSA’s active presence on Instagram, where events are announced through posts and stories. Her expectations for these conferences are clear and ambitious:

‘I hope to gain new perspectives on relevant topics, make new connections, and get ideas for future projects for the DSA.’

These events represent not only a chance to broaden her horizons but also an opportunity to contribute to the future of dental education and practice.

As Amelie prepares for these enriching experiences, she exemplifies the proactive and dynamic spirit of RSU’s student body, continually seeking knowledge, building connections, and paving the way for future advancements in healthcare.

Amelie DSA students

Amelie (center) surrounded by her fellow students. Photo from DSA archives