RSU Faculty of Law Will Implement Virtual Reality Technology Into Study Process
A 10,000 euro donation by Olainfarm will facilitate the digitalisation of the study process at the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Faculty of Law.
'Modernising and digitising study processes is important in the development of study programs, including in the implementation of such specific and unique study courses at RSU as Law in Medicine, Healthcare Organisation Rights, Legal Problems in Biomedicine and Pharmaceutical Law. The donation by Olainfarm is an invaluable contribution that will ensure that as many students as possible will be able to get an education that meets modern requirements,' explains Prof. Andrejs Vilks, Dean of the RSU Faculty of Law (photo: second from the right). Prof. Tatjana Koķe, RSU Vice-Rector for Studies (photo: centre), also participated in the event.
Photo from Olainfarm archives
'All accomplishments are based on hard work, courage, passion and a good education. Olainfarm is delighted for the opportunity to support modernising study programmes, because we are sure that innovation and high production quality go hand in hand with investing in new talent. We are grateful to RSU for their outstanding specialists, who we would also be happy to see in our ranks. If a young student is still thinking over their choice of profession, pharmacy and chemistry combined with law is definitely a promising field,' says Milana Beļeviča, Member of the Board of Olainfarm and a graduate of the RSU doctoral programme in Law.
The Faculty of Law will use the donated funds to purchase virtual reality headsets and develop a virtual reality platform on which you could model various legal situations. This will give students of pharmaceutical law the opportunity to analyse various situations through which they can develop and strengthen their theoretical knowledge, skills and competence regarding legal issues characteristic to the field.
Prof. Andrejs Vilks, Dean of the RSU Faculty of Law, and Milana Beļeviča, Member of the Board of Olainfarm. Photo from Olainfarm archives.
Whereas, by using virtual reality in the field of medical law, students will be able to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge and necessary skills and competence regarding the legal relationship between patients and medical practitioners.
Olainfarm's social responsibility activities focus on society by supporting health care and a healthy lifestyle, science, education, culture and the continuous development of its employees.