Expert From the World's Largest Biotechnology Company: The Knowledge I Acquired at RSU Is Useful In My Daily Work
Gundega Auziņa is a compliance expert at the Latvian branch of the Swiss healthcare company Roche. She graduated from the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Faculty of Law in January this year, obtaining bachelor's degree.
Gundega works for the world's largest biotech company, and her duties as compliance expert include reading, translation and applying laws and regulations related to medical advertising, as well as to explain regulatory and ethical norms to her colleagues and to train them.
Studying at the RSU Faculty of Law was a deliberate choice that paid off. In her bachelor's thesis, Gundega analysed legislation on the procedures for advertising medicines and related publications. This directly relates to her current area of responsibility at work.
It is important to emphasise that after her studies, Gundega has not only become much more knowledgeable herself, but is also able to transfer her skills to colleagues in this way contributing to the company’s overall efficiency.
Recalling her study time, Gundega says with a smile that the beginning of the pandemic did not completely change the study process for her, since most of the courses still managed to take place in person. In addition, her schedule was very convenient and it was easy to combine lectures on Saturdays with her work duties.
The RSU graduate mentions Asst. Prof. Kitija Bite with special respect for her responsiveness and interest in her students' success. The lecturer, who was the supervisor for both of Gundega’s research papers and her bachelor's thesis, always responded to any questions sent to her by e-mail. During consultations, she encouraged Gundega to think for herself and to come to conclusions and make logical, knowledge-based decisions, rather than immediately presenting the right answer.
Gundega is convinced that having such an interested attitude and fostering cooperation helps students to not deviate from the course they have chosen during their studies, to achieve their goals and not to give up even in the most difficult moments.
Assessing the importance that her study courses in her daily work currently, Gundega highlights Medical Law and Health Care Organisations’ Rights as particularly important.
When asked about what she wishes for future students of this programme, Gundega answers, ‘Don’t be afraid to start studying at any time, because it is never too late to learn something new!
I encourage everyone to assess study programmes carefully and to choose what they are really interested in, because only in this way will the knowledge you learn add value to your professional life in the future.
Studying require strength, patience and determination, so it is important that the direction of self-improvement you have chosen turns out to be the right one.’
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