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Study Course Description
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On Sunday, 10 April, the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Student House in the Riga Old Town hosted a social event to mark the conclusion of a week-long intensive Latvian language course for Ukrainians who were forced to leave their homeland due to the war. More than twenty Ukrainians and RSU faculty members, staff and students played games in Latvian, drank tea, ate sweets, and discussed current events.
Hongmei Chen has been in Latvia for over 8 years. She moved to Riga from Shanghai and has been at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) for about 5 years teaching Mandarin at the RSU China Studies Centre.
For the second year in a row, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) enters the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022: Medicine. This year, RSU has steadily maintained its position in the 501–550 group.
Songs have always been a universal tool for Latvian people in their daily lives, whether to lull a baby to sleep, to celebrate a holiday in a small circle of friends, or to sing together with thousands of other people on the Mežaparks stage. Songs are a part of our national identity that shows our strength and resiliance.
Russian military aggression in Ukraine has resulted in a large number of wounded.
2022. gada 12. martā notika Latvijas Ārstu biedrības Gada balvas medicīnā pasniegšanas ceremonija, kurā balvu nominācijā Gada docētājs 2021 saņēma Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) Anatomijas un antropoloģijas institūta Morfoloģijas katedras asociētā profesore Dzintra Kažoka, kuru šai balvai izvirzīja un par kuru balsoja RSU ārstniecības studenti.
Episiotomies are some of the most common surgical obstetric interventions. Obstetricians perform these with scissors, usually on the right side of the perineum to facilitate the birth of the foetal head.
Electrodiagnostic testing (EMG) of the pelvic floor is a minimally invasive method that allows for a functional analysis of the external anal sphincter muscle. Studies carried out so far have indicated that patients may have asymmetric sphincter muscle innervation patterns that can lead to fecal incontinence in women after childbirth.
We are happy to announce that we have received 135 poster applications for this year’s COVID-19 Conferences, including 20 from abroad.