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Work experience

1986 - Present

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry

Education and training

1987 - 1989

Master’s degree of Medicine

Tartu University

1979 - 1985


Rīga Stradiņš University


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

1995 Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany), Institute of Physiology

1998 Hamburg's Eppendorf University (Germany). physiology

2000 polysomnography method of Emory University in Atlanta (USA).

2003, 2005.g. Sleep labs in Oregon (USA).

2009 Pedagogy improvement program

2009 RSU E courses.

Field of research

Research work with prof. P.Tretjakovu and prof. I. Konrad - the amount of melatonin in diabetic patients saliva.

Supervised study programme

Physiology study program the following departments:


functional physiology,

normal physiology,

sports physiology.

Head of the study programme


functional physiology,

normal physiology,

sports physiology.

Supervised study course

Functional Physiology


Normal Physiology

Sport Physiology

Head of study course

Physiology study program the following departments:


functional physiology,

normal physiology,

sports physiology.

Lectured study course

Biological Basics of Psyche II

Functional Physiology


Normal Physiology


Sport Physiology

Supervised and reviewed student research papers

Students' research management Dace Pinka SF V. tooth tissue sensitivity changes in inflammation.

Master supervising Iveta Danovska MZF I. Night shift caused by operational degradation nurses.


Research work with prof. P.Tretjakov and prof. I. Konrad - the amount of melatonin in diabetic patients saliva.


Baltic physiologists Society

Baltic-German Medical Society


Research articles​​

Limba, Normunds. Jaunas iespējas miega kvalitātes izmeklēšanā / N.Limba // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.5 (2006), 30.-[32.]lpp.

Limba, Normunds. Miega traucējumu mūsdienu koncepcijas / N.Limba // Doctus. - [Nr.5] (2006, maijs), 12.-14., 16.lpp.

Limba, Normunds. Pasaules homeopāti pret putnu gripu / N.Limba // Materia Medica. - Nr.1 (2006), 18.lpp.

Body mass and body composition in students / M.Rumaka, R.Lagzdina, L.Aberberga-Augskalne, L.Blumfelds, N.Limba // Research articles in medicine & pharmacy, 2009 / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2010. - P.83-88.


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