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The Role of Genetic Variations, MicroRNA Expression and Impaired Carbohydrate Metabolism in Early Atherosclerosis Development and the Potential Role of Different Lipid Lowering Drug Therapies in the Preventions of Further Atherosclerosis Progression
Līguma nr.: 23011002
 - RSU grants 2019-2020
The role of human herpesvirus-6 infection and alcohol abuse in the development of neuroinflammation
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/2-0069
 - doc. Sandra SkujaFundamental and applied research programme
The Role of Motor Reserve in Cognitive Dysfunction in Older Adults (MORE-COG)
Līguma nr.: 6-ZD-22/27/2022
 - Ainārs StepensProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2022
The Work Ability and Social Inclusion
Līguma nr.: CB-52
 - prof. Ivars VanadziņšES Programmes
To establish a sustainable media system in Latvia: from the assessment of the international risks of journalism to the improvement of media responsibility - prof. Anda RožukalneProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Towards elimination of cervical cancer: intelligent and personalised solutions for cancer screening
Līguma nr.: EMP416
 - Anda Ķīvīte-UrtāneEEA and Norway Grants
Towards the Post-pandemic Recovery: Economic, Political and Legal Framework for Preservation of Latvia's Growth Potential and Increasing Competitiveness (reCOVery-LV)
Līguma nr.: VPP-COVID-2020/1-0010
 - Inna Šteinbuka (LU)National Research Programme
Transfer of Organisational Innovations for Resilient, Effective, Equitable, Accessible, Sustainable and Comprehensive Health Services and Systems (TO-REACH)
Līguma nr.: 733274
 - PhD Daiga BehmaneES Programmes
Tuberculosis treatment: exploring the perspectives for personalised therapy
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/1-0050
 - prof. Dr.pharm. Dace BandereFundamental and applied research programme
Twinning on DNA-Based Cancer Vaccines (VACTRAIN)
Līguma nr.: 692293-Vactrain
 - Asja LungaES Programmes
Uncovering the impact of weight loss on obesity-induced changes in B cell metabolism and function
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/2-0222
 - Kristīne OļeiņikaFundamental and applied research programme
Unlocking infectious diseases research potential at Rīga Stradiņš University (BALTINFECT)
Līguma nr.: 316275
 - Modra MurovskaES Programmes
Urban Labs for Better Health for All in the Baltic Sea Region – boosting cross-sectoral cooperation for health and wellbeing in the cities (Healthy Boost)
Līguma nr.: #R085
 - prof. Anita VillerušaES Programmes
Use of artificial intelligence and robots in health care: legal framework and challenges
Līguma nr.: 22090201
 - Dr.iur. Karina PalkovaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Using Machine Learning To Model The Complex Interplay Between Diet, Genetic Factors and Mitochondria in Coronary Artery Disease
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/2-0338
 - PhD Baiba VilneFundamental and applied research programme
Values in action: promotion of responsible, secure and educated civil society in Latvia through research and model development of action models
Līguma nr.: VPP-IZM-2018/1-0013
 - Gatis Krūmiņš, Māris AndžānsNational Research Programme
Why people would (not) fight for their own country in a war? NATO member states at cross-section
Līguma nr.: RSU-ZG-2024/1-0001
 - Māris AndžānsEU Recovery and Resilience Facility, Consolidation
Willingness to Defend One’s Own Country During Inter-state Confrontation: the Case of Latvia and Ukraine During the Exacerbation in Relations with Russia in 2021 and 2022
Līguma nr.: 6-ZD-22/7/2022
 - Māris AndžānsProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2022
Willingness to defend the country in the Baltic states: implications for national security and NATO’s collective defence - Māris AndžānsOther