Work experience
2013 - Present | ResearcherUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics |
2016 - Present | LecturerUnivesity of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Course "Earth Physics" |
2016 - Present | Lecturer assitantRiga Stradiņš University, Physics department Kursa "Medicīnas fizika" pasniegšana studentu grupām. |
2011 - 2013 | Scientific assistantUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics |
2012 - 2012 | PhysicistUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics |
2007 - 2011 | Electronics engineerUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics |
2007 - 2013 | Physics TeacherRiga State gymnasium No.1 |
Education and training
2006 - 2009 | Bachelor diploma document Nr.BD E 2146 issued 02.07.2009, ISCED-2011 level 6University of Latvia |
2009 - 2011 | Master of Natural Sciences in Physics, Master's diploma document Nr.MD E 3242 issued 01.07.2011, ISCED-2011 level 7University of Latvia |
2011 - 2015 | Doctoral studies in Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, estimated qualification date: year of 2017, ISCED-2011 level 8 |
1.J. Prikulis, R. Poplausks, R. Meija, J. Dzelme, D. Erts. EU Patent (EP2654193 (B1) ― 2016-02-10). Driver for piezoelectric manipulator
2.Baitimirova M., Andzane J., Petersons, G., Meija R., Poplausks R., Romanova M., Erts D., Vapor–solid synthesis and enhanced thermoelectric properties of non-planar bismuth selenide nanoplates on graphene substrate, Journal of Materials Science, first online, pp 1-9 (2016)
3.Meija, R., Kosmaca, J., Jasulaneca, L., Petersons, K., Biswas, S., Holmes, J.D., Erts, D. Electric current induced modification of germanium nanowire NEM switch contact. Nanotechnology, 26 (19), 195503 (2015)
4.Malinovskis, U., Poplausks, R., Apsite, I., Meija, R., Prikulis, J., Lombardi, F., Erts, D. Ultrathin anodic aluminum oxide membranes for production of dense sub-20 nm nanoparticle arrays. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (16), pp. 8685-8690. (2014).
5.Andzane, J., Meija, R., Livshits, A.I., Prikulis, J., Biswas, S., Holmes, J.D., Erts, D. An AC-assisted single-nanowire electromechanical switch. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1 (43), pp. 7134-7138 (2013)
- Participation in INTERREG project „Technet_nano – Transnational network of public clean rooms and research facilities in nanotechnology making accessible innovation resources and services to SMEs in the BSR" (#074), 2011-2014.
- Participation in Latvian Council of Science project Nr. 549/2012 "Nanoelectromechanical switch contact structure and mode control for improved stability", which implements fundamental research of nanomaterials properties and application in NEMS. The main duties include work in laboratory environment, experiments with nanowire based devices in situ inside a scanning electron microscope (electrical and mechanical characterization), practical investigation on the NEM switch contact properties, data processing (2013-2016).
- Participation in ERAF project Nr. 2010/0251/2DP/ "Development of nanostructured matrix sensor and control equipment", which implements fundamental and industrial research on nanostructured matrix creation for sensing applications, together with experimental development. The main duties include work in laboratory environment, experiments in nanowire transport for creation of assembled nanowire arrays, data processing (2015).
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