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Work experience

2008 - Present


Medical faculty, Riga Stradiņš University

1982 - Present

Doctor, pathologist

Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital, Pathology Center

Education and training

1993 - Present

Anual Baltic German Symposia for pathologists

1984 - 1984

Dr. med. (pathology)

1st Medical Institute of Moscow

1970 - 1976

Doctor's diploma

Riga Medical Institute

1959 - 1970

Secondary school diploma

Riga Secondary school Nr. 50


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade



​2014-2016 pedagogical courses at Riga Stradins University

2004 September studies at Brisben (Australia) Pathology Institute ​



- 2010-present: member of LAPA

- 2009-present: member of the Rīga Stradiņš Unviersity Ethics Committee

-1993-present: member of the Baltic German Doctors Association

-1992-present: member of the Latvian Association of Pathologists​



- project EEZ09AP-24/03 Characteristics of endometrial cancer of Latvian female population

- program Biomedicine (2014-2017) 4. project Research about mortality from gastric cancer in Latvia.



Research articles

  • 1. I. Franckēviča, R. Kleina, I. Melderis CD44s glikoproteīna ekspresija nefroblastomas gadījumā. RSU Zinātniskie raksti 2011., Rīga RSU, 2012., 2.sēj.236-248.
  • 2. Franckeviča I., Kleina R., Melderis I. Morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of surgically removed paediatric renal tumours in Latvia (1997-2010). Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. 2011, (11), pp.44-49.
  • 3. Kleina R, Franckeviča I, Sperga M, Lutinska D. The analysis of undiagnosed malignancies // Papers on Anthropology XX / Tartu: Tartu University Press 2011: 199-208. 4.Franckeviča I., Kleina R., Voika O. Originally misdiagnosed rhabdoid tumor of kidney. A case report and differential diagnosis. // Polish Journal of Pathology 2011; 3: 163-167.
  • 4.Franckeviča I., Kleina R., Voika O. Originally misdiagnosed rhabdoid tumor of kidney. A case report and differential diagnosis. // Polish Journal of Pathology 2011; 3: 163-167.
  • 5. I.Trukšāne, R.Kleina, J. Ķīsis. Bazālo šūnu karcinomas audzēja lauka morfoloģisks un imūnhistoķīmisks novērtējums. RSU Zinātniskie raksti, 2.sējums. Rīga, RSU 2011, 153-163.lpp.
  • 6.. R. Kleina Kaulu morfoloģiskā struktūra un kaulaudu zuduma patoloģija. Osteoporoze. Apmācības materiāli osteoporozē. Rīga, 2011., 4-5. lpp.
  • 7. R. Kleina, S. Kuļezņova, V. Groma, J. Vasiļjeva Endometrija karcinoma: jaunā klasifikācija, hormonu receptoru un MMP – 9 imūnhistoķīmisks novērtējums. RSU Zinātniskie raksti 2011., Rīga RSU, 2012., 2.sēj.216-225.
  • 8. S. Vane, R. Kleina, A. Smits Characteristics of fatal patient cases out of Riga hospitals. In: Social and human Sciences. Vol. 2, 2012. Web of Conferences. Proceedings. Society.Health. Welfare. RSU/ France, 00031-p.1-4.
  • 9. J. Janovska, J.Ķīsis, J. Voicehovska, R. Kleina et al. Pilot study of early slin changes due to metabolic syndrome. Collection of Scientific papers. Research articles in medicine and pharmacy. Rīga, RSU, 2013. pp. 11- 17.
  • 10. J. Janovska, Voicehovska J., Kleina R. et al. Diversity of CD1a positive cells in case of 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency in patients with metabolic syndrome. CBU International Conference Proceedings, [S.l.], v. 2, p. pp. 299-306, jul. 2014. ISSN 1805-9961.
  • 11. J. Nazarovs, S. Lejniece, R.Kleina Morfoloģisko un imūnhistoķīmisko kritēriju korelācija ar klīniski laboratoriskajiem rādītājiem sekretējošas multiplas mielomas gadījumos. RSU Zinātniskie raksti 2014. Rīga, 2015, 242-254 lpp.


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