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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:5 / 7.5
Course supervisor:Sandra Kušķe
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


Acquire knowledge of hearing function, which develops during the childhood. Acquire knowledge of human sound receptors, the relationship between the physical properties of sounds and the sensations it produces.


Physics and biology at school level, anatomy and physiology at the RSU level.

Learning outcomes


Knowledge is obtained about the hearing, its features, fault types, grades. Acquire hearing diagnostic methods. Hearing adjustment with appropriate technical hearing tabs. Analyze pedagogical methods. Knowledge of the human perception of sound, feeling and hearing field borders is obtained. Psychoacoustic assessment methods. Acquire hearing diagnostic methods.


During the study course the students will be able to determine and analyze the types of hearing impairment, hearing impairment degree, analyze hearing diagnostic investigation methods, interpretation, will be able to choose the hearing of technical equipment in accordance with a hearing impairment and its degree. Appropriate pedagogical methods and tactics application; analyze and evaluate the results of audiometry data, to explain their impact on the child's hearing and language development, to make prognosis.


To assess ans analyze the results of the hearing, the effectiveness of technologies to assess the patient's progress to determine the therapeutic tactics. To evaluate the obtained results of hearing tests. Audiometry interpretation and analysis of the results.

Study course planning

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