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Work experience

2009 - Present

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Rehabilitation, Department of Rehabilitation

1993 - Present

Doctor ORL

Head of the Latvian Children’s Hearing Centre



Rīga Stradiņš University

2006 - 2007

Former lecturer

Liepaja Pedagogical Institute, University of Latvia, Institute ,, Attīstība”


Assistant, Faculty of Rehabilitation

Rīga Stradiņš University

1991 - 1993

Doctor ORL

Olaine polyclinic

Education and training


Recurrent certificate ORL. Certificate Nr. A-15692


Recurrent certificate ORL. Certificate Nr. A-15692


Doctor of medicine degree, diploma series D, Nr. 0007

Rīga Stradiņš University


Recurrent certificate ORL. Certificate Nr. A-15692

2002 - 2005

Doctorate ORL study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University


Recurrent certificate ORL


Exam ORL certification, Certificate Nr. A-15692

Rīgas Stradiņš University

1990 - 1991

Internship Child otorhinolaryngology (ORL),

ORL department

1984 - 1990

Doctor pediatrician, diploma Nr. TB 980634

Latvian Academy of Medicine , (previously - Riga Institute of Medicine)


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

18.-21.06.16. 13-tais Eiropas Pediatrijas Otorinolarinloģijas kongress, Lisabona, Portugāle.
11.-12. 05. 16. MPSII Masreclass. Certificate of Attndance , Barselona, Spānija
27.- 30. 05. 15. 12th Congress of the European Federation of Audiology Societies EFAS) , Istanbul, Turkey
03.- 05.12. 14. International Update Cochlear Central Europe Symposium, Tallina, Igaunija
27. 11. 14. 5.Starptautiskā Interdisciplinārā Zinātniskā konference : Society Health Welfare, Riga Latvija
24.- 26.09.14. International Update Workshop , Med El kohleārie implanti, immsbruka, Austrija, sertifikāts
18.- 21.06.14. 13th International Conference on cochlear Implants and other Implantable Technologies, Munchen, Germany
22.-24.05.14. 6th Baltic ENT congress, Kauņa, Lietuva
25.02.14. Audioloģija un Widex dzirdes aparātu programmēšana - Sertfikāts Nymoellevej, Dānija
19.-22.06.13. 11th European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS) Budapest Hungary 23.-26. 05.13. 11th European Symosium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation Istanbul Turkey
22.-23. 11.2012.- Society Health Welfare – 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference & 1st conference of Speech Therapists
03.-05.09.09. – 27th Politzer Society Meeting, London, UK
06. - 07. 09. 08.6th Congress of Baltic Association of Rehabilitation, Rīga
08.- 15.12.07. Certificate for participating in a Widex course on Widex Hearing Aids and Fitting, Widex Academy.
08.- 15.12.07. Certificate for participating in a Widex course on Use and Programming af the Scola Fm system for professionals, Widex Academy.
10.12. 07. International Hearing – Implant workshop , Riga, Latvia
13.09. 07.Certifiate : GSI AUDERA Appication Training in AEP, ASSR,
14.09.07 DPOAE. Riga, Latvia (Ulrich Keller, Medizin- Technik)
04-06. 07.07.. 30 6th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Vienna, Austria.
14.-16.06.07. III Meeting Consensus on Auditory Implants, Marseille, France 21.-23.05.07. Nucleus FREEDOM workshop, Prague.
27.04.07. Rīgas Domes Izglītības, Jaunatnes un Sporta departaments.Izglītības pārvalde Izglītības attīstības nodaļa. ,, Valodas mācīšanas un apguves iespējas un ar to saistītās problēmas izglītojamiem ar dzirdes traucējumiem". Rīga, Latvija
14.-18.06.06. 9th International congress on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences, Vīne, Austrija.
26.-30.04.06. Inernational educational courses on hearing aids and listening devices, Stafa, Šveice.
03.-05.10.05. Certificate of Attendance MED-EL Cochlear Implant Fitting Workshop, Innsbruka, Austrija.
17.- 20.07.05 Certificate of attendance the 20th International Congress on the education of the Deaf, Maastricht, Netherlands.
13.-19.06.05.Piedalīšanās starptautiskajos kursos kohleārajā implantācijas ar pacientu demonstrācijām, izejot kursuNRT,Stapedius refleksa un telemetrijas mērījumu veikšanā, Rīga, Latvija.
2005.01-06.03.05. Katastrofu medicīnas centra rīkotie kursi Neatliekamā medicīniskā un katastrofu medicīna, sertifikāta Nr.KM-66/2005
27.-29.05.05. 3rd Baltic otorhinololaryngology congress, Vilnius, Lithuania.
07.05.04. Attendance of the Scientific and educational meeting of the 7th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear implantation Geneva , Switzerland.
28.03.04. RSU Medicīnas nozares Zinātniskā Konference, Rīga, Latvija. 20.02.03.Certificate of technical training program and handling of the COMBI 40 and COMBI + Cochlear Implant System and is Qualified to use it, Innsbruck, Austria.
29.03. 03.AML/RSU Medicīnas nozares Zinātniskā konference, Rīga Latvija.
12-14.03.03.Certificate of attendance of Advanced Cochlear Implant Workshop at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham
23.05.03. Certificate of attendance of 6th European Federation of Audiology Societes, Hersonisos, Crete, Greece.
23.-25.05.03.Certificate of attendance of the 7th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Related Audiological Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
06.06.03. Certificate of attendance of European Research Meeting on Cochlear Implantation, Barselona, Spain.
21.-22.02.02. AML/RSU Medicīnas nozares Zinātniskā konference, Rīga, Latvija. 14-16.09.02.Certificate of succesfully completed the theoretical and the practical training program with COMBI 40+ Cochlear implants and handling of the TEMPO+Speech processor, Vienna, Austria.
11- Operationskurs ,,Mikrochirurgie des Mittelohres" Bohuma, Vācija.
2000.maijs Certificate of participation in the 4th annual Symposium on the Rehabilitation of Children with Cochlear Implants Bad Saarow , Germany.
1999.jūn. Certificate of participation in the 4th European Conference on Audiology, Oulu, Finland.
1999. sept. Participation in the 6th International conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing under the auspices of the European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology, Mikolajki, Poland
1998. maijs Certificate of Attendance of European Consensus Develop- ment Conference on Neonatal Hearing Screening,Milano, Italy.
1998. jūnijs. Certificate of attendance of 3rd International symposium of Modern problems of Physiology and Pathology of hearing, Moscow, Russia.
1997. jūn. Certificate of participation in the Third European Conference on Audiology,Prag, Czech Republic.
1994. jūl. Certificate of participation in the second European Conference on Audiology, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Supervised study course

Speech therapy and psyhoacoustics

Lectured study course

Speech therapy and psyhoacoustics

Supervised and reviewed student research papers


​Bacelaur papers: 9

Master's theses: 2


Bacelaur papers: 11 ​

Master's theses: 3


Inventory of current EU paediatric vision and hearing screening programmes. (published - J Med Screen
0(0) 1–10! The Author(s) 2015. Reprints and permissions: 0.1177/0969141315572403 - 2014

Participation in Latvian Academy of Science cooperation project - IAMP INTERACADEMY MEDICAL PANEL : Statement on Improving HealthCare for Hearing Loss-2015


1.Implementation of the following medical tests: tympanometry, reflexometry in the daily working practice of the ORL, from 1999

2.Implementation of a national programme for cochlear implantations for children – 2003

3.Establishment and implementation of universal newborn hearing screening in the country – 2007

4.Implementation of a national programme for bone-anchored hearing aid implantation – 2010 for children

5.Various charitable projects have been carried out for children with hearing impairment:

- implementation of a Frequency modular hearing equipment system and hearing aids at a specialised kindergarden attended by children with permanent hearing impairments from all of Latvia

- implementation of hearing aid equipment in the Riga Boarding School for Deaf Children

- cooperation with AB.LV Charitable foundation: highest hearing technology for children with hearing impairments.


Member of the Latvian Otorhinolaryngologists Association, Board member
Member of the Cochlear Implant Association​

Awards and recognitions

2015: Human Growth Award

2007: State award – Cross of Recognition​


Research articles​​

Kušķe, Sandra. Visbiežāk pārmantotā ģenētiskā saslimšana- vājdzirdība / S.Kušķe, G.Sumeraga, B.Bicēna // Medicus Bonus. - Nr.19 (2014, okt./nov./dec.), 38.-40.lpp.

Dažāda veida dzirdes traucējumu rehabilitācijas iespējas ar kaulā ievietojamām (osseointegrētajām) dzirdes palīgiekārtām Latvijā / S.Kušķe, I.Blūmentāle, I.Tērauds ...[u.c.] // Zinātniskie raksti : 2011.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 1.sēj., 150.-158.lpp.


Cogan's syndrome : a diagnostic challenge. Report and review of the literature [Elektroniskais resurss] / A.Lazareva, Z.Davidsone, R.Santare, S.Kuske, V.Stanevicha // Pediatric Rheumatology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.11, Suppl.2 (2013), P302. - Proceedings of 20th Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) Congress (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept.25-29, 2013) : [Abstracts]. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Klatenberga, Ilze. The hearing perception of preschool children with combined cleft lip and cleft palate / I.Klatenberga, S.Kuske, I.Blumentale // 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" & 1st Conference of Speech Therapists (Riga, Nov.22-23, 2012) : Abstracts / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte ...[u.c.]. - Riga, 2012. - P.51.

Klatenberga, Ilze. Valodas skaņu uztvere un diferencēšana mulvārdu valodas attīstības traucējuma gadījumos skolas vecuma bērniem ar kohleāro implantu / I.Klatenberga, S.Kušķe, I.Blūmentāle // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 343.lpp.

Kušķe, Sandra. Rehabilitation possibilities in Latvia with Bone Anchored Hearing Aids in different types of hearing impairments / S.Kuske, I.Klatenberga, I.Blumentale // 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" & 1st Conference of Speech Therapists (Riga, Nov.22-23, 2012) : Abstracts / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte ...[u.c.]. - Riga, 2012. - P.62.

The clinical expression of dysphagia and assessment possibilities for patients with neurological disorders in Latvia / I.Blumentale, S.Kuske, I.Klatenberga, A.Vabale, I.Kaleja, A.Vetra, M.Mazjane // 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" & 1st Conference of Speech Therapists (Riga, Nov.22-23, 2012) : Abstracts / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte ...[u.c.]. - Riga, 2012. - P.22-23.

Blūmentāle, Ilze. Hearing perception and development of speech after meningitis / I.Klatenberga, S.Kuske, I.Blumentale // 5th Baltic Otorhinolaryngology Congress (Riga, Latvia, Sept.16-18, 2011) : Abstracts. - Riga, 2011. - P.112.

Blūmentāle, Ilze. Valodas uztveres un skaņu izrunas spēju attīstība bērniem ar kohleāro implantu pēc pārslimota bakteriāla meningīta / I.Blūmentāle, S.Kušķe, I.Klatenberga // 2011.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2011.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 336.lpp.

Klatenberga, Ilze. Evaluation of children speech abilities after 3 years use of cochlear implant / I.Klatenberga, S.Kuske, I.Blumentale // 5th Baltic Otorhinolaryngology Congress (Riga, Latvia, Sept.16-18, 2011) : Abstracts. - Riga, 2011. - P.111.

Klatenberga, Ilze. Valodas spēju un dzirdes uztveres izvērtējums skolas vecuma bērniem ar kohleāro implantu / I.Klatenberga, S.Kušķe, I.Blūmentāle // 2011.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2011.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 345.lpp.

Kušķe, Sandra. Dažāda veida dzirdes traucējumu rehabilitācijas iespējas ar kaulā ievietojamām (osseointegrētām) dzirdes palīgiekārtām Latvijā / S.Kušķe, I.Klatenberga, I.Blūmentāle // 2011.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2011.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 344.lpp.

Interdisciplinary assesment of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) at age 5-6 treated in Riga cleft center / S.Kušķe, I.Akota, B.Barkāne ...[et al.] // 7th Congress of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery (Riga, May 20-22, 2010) : [Abstract Book]. - Riga, 2010. - P.64.


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