Digital Marketing Strategy and Tactics (KSK_281)
About Study Course
Department: Faculty of Social Sciences
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Ruta Siliņa
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Information and Communication Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Communication Sciences
To introduce students to digital marketing possibilities and how it can help in achieving the goals of any enterprise, as well as, to let students apply the course material in practical seminars.
Learning outcomes
Of the nature of digital marketing, its principles, campaign design and evaluation of the results achieved by digital marketing.
Develop a digital marketing campaign, create relevant content (content marketing), select and apply the most appropriate methods and tools for data collection and evaluation of results.
Planning, implementing and evaluating digital marketing strategies and tactics to deliver the most relevant content (content marketing).
Study course planning
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