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About Study Course

Department: Statistics Unit
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Maksims Zolovs
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Life Science
Branch of science:Mathematics; Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics


The objective of this course is to give students the in-depth knowledge of nonparametric methods in mathematical statistics. In biostatistical applications it is common that the sample sizes are small and the normality of data is questionable. Moreover, the classical t-test and ANOVA procedure require additionally homogeneity condition which is often violated. Nonparametric procedures often are used in those situations. Classical linear regression also requires normality assumption and is limited to describe only the linear dependence. Nonparametric smoothing techniques allow to estimate the regression function in a very general way. Resampling methods are popular especially for deriving confidence intervals. The software package Jamovi and R will be used for computation and case study applications.


• Familiarity with probability theory and mathematical statistics.
• Basic knowledge in Jamovi and R is required.

Learning outcomes


• understand knowledge of and are able to define concepts and procedures of nonparametric statistical procedures;
• are acquainted with and are able to choose nonparametric statistical procedures in program Jamovi and R.


• perform nonparametric testing in R and interpret the results;
• be able to perform data resampling methods.


• understand and support the importance of assumptions made in standard statistical methods;
• be able to make justified decisions between parametric and nonparametric procedures for practical data analysis, demonstrate understanding and ethical responsibility for the potential impact of scientific results on the environment and society;
• independently develop a correct statistical model, critically interpret and present the obtained results, if necessary, further analysis will be performed.

Study course planning

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