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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Gunda Reire
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Business Management; Communication Science; Health Management; Social Anthropology; Management Science; Information and Communication Science; Juridical Science; Political Science
Language:English, Latvian
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Philosophy; Philosophy of Science


The aim of the study course is to introduce doctoral students in an intensive way to various schools of science philosophy, principles of social science research, theories, and methods to form the basis for the development of their doctoral thesis in an interdisciplinary perspective. This knowledge will allow to acquire different approaches in the individual research process and will provide an in-depth comprehension of such concepts as reality, objectivity and subjectivity, truth, and values, thus providing additional tools in the development of the research design. The aim of the course is to strengthen the skills of students of the doctoral study programme to use different theoretical frameworks and social sciences methods in their scientific work, as well as to develop the ability to work interdisciplinary.


Master's thesis experience in research, defended master's study research.

Learning outcomes


The doctoral student is familiar with various schools of science philosophy, principles of social science research, theories, and methods to form the basis for the doctoral thesis in an interdisciplinary perspective. The doctoral student correctly applies the terminology of social sciences and confirms orientation in the field of science, describing the theory and methodology of his or her work and research steps according to the current stage of the doctoral thesis.


The doctoral student is able to apply different approaches in the advancement of the individual research process and knows how to define the theoretical framework, methodology of his doctoral thesis, is able to critically analyse scientific literature on the subject of the doctoral thesis, shows competence to discuss, argue and deliberate the research designs developed by him or her and other doctoral students, based on the criteria of scientific novelty, topicality of the doctoral thesis, scientific problem and aim, theoretical basis and methodological framework. Doctoral student can use different theoretical frameworks and methods of social sciences in his or her scientific work, as well as has developed the ability to work interdisciplinary


Doctoral student is able to develop the research design of his or her doctoral thesis in an academically correct manner, is competent to present it, participate in scientific discussions, as well as is able to maintain a scientific discussion in an interdisciplinary perspective.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Social Sciences, DSZeng1DoctoralRequiredGunda Reire
Social Sciences, DSZ1DoctoralRequiredGunda Reire