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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Karina Palkova
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Juridical Science
Branch of science:Law; International Rights


The main goal of this course is to give students an understanding of the most important aspects and dynamics in conflict and crisis management in international politics as one of the central problems of international security in the 21st century. During this course, we will address debates on issues such as traditional and non-traditional threats, tools and strategies of conflict resolution, the effectiveness of deterrence, the impact of international organisations on conflict management, and others. This course will cover major theories of international relations and boost students’ ability to apply theoretical concepts in integrated empirical analysis.


General knowledge at master's level. General knowledge aboou the world history after the WW2.

Learning outcomes


1. By the end of the course, students are expected to be familiar with the major international relations theories and international security concepts and their reflection on the central problematics and conflicts of international security in the 21st century.
2. Students will understand the causes of conflict and the conditions for peace, the complexity of traditional and non-traditional threats, dilemmas in international security.
3. Students will have expanded knowledge on current conflicts and wars and possibilities and limitations of international response.


1. During the course, students’ skills to synthesize theoretical approaches with empirical facts and ability to assess the complexity and causality of international conflicts will be trained.
2. Academic discourse skills and academic text strategies will be trained during academic discussions, and development of coherent argument will be trained during specific practical assignments.
3. The course will enable students to develop interpretations and responses to international security issues systematically.


Students will be able to solve important research questions of a legal nature in the field of international social legal security through independent, critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation, and to put forward the idea of ​​a research (scientific article) that is reflected as a result of scientific research.

Study course planning

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