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Work experience



Faculty of Rehabilitation, Department of Rehabilitation

2010 - Present


Laba prakse, Ltd

1999 - 2010


Rehabilitation center Ligatne

1989 - 1995


Aizpute hospital

Education and training

2006 - 2008

Master’s degree of Health Sciences

Rīga Stradiņš University

1995 - 1999

Physiotherapist Qualification / Bachelor Degree of Health Care

Riga Stradinš University


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

2010. – Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) (advanced level – Part I)

2010. - Kinesiology taping (Basic level)) (B.Larsson (Sweden))

2009. – Physio First Annual Conference and workshops „Back and Beyond" (Nottingham, UK)

2005. – Manual soft tissue techniques and therapeutic exercises in a.vertebralis syndrome.(Z.Kasvande (Latvia))

2003. – Introduction to Feldenkrais method Ieskats (S.Bumane (Germany))

2003. – TENS and FES (R.Kibiša, Lietuva)

2002. – Complex physical therapy in lymphedema (I.Beckmann (Germany))

2002. – Europe Course Tour II (Beļģija), "Integrative management of Dynamic Stability and Muscle Balance disoders in the Cervical Spine" 2000. - Europe Course Tour I (Beļģija), "Movement, Stability and Low back pain. The essential role of the Pelvis."

1999.- 2000. – Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation ​(PNF) (Introduction and basic level) (R.Lee (USA), F.Kleibrink (Germany))

Field of research

Motor control in functional assessment and treatment

Ergonomics in physiotherapy

Lectured study course

Ergonomics- course work

Functional assesment and treatment in physiotherapy


Supervised and reviewed student research papers


Bachelor's thesis: 2 (year 2016)


Bachelors's theses: 3 (year 2016)


Member of the Latvian Physiotherapist Assocciation



Balode R, Šmite D. Kompleksa mugurkaulāja disfunkcija pacientiem ar hroniskām muguras lejasdaļas sāpēm. RSU Zinātniskās konferences tēzes, Rīga, 2009

Smite D, Balode R. The complex musculoskeletal dysfunction of spine in patients with chronic low back pain. In: Proceeding of the 7th Nordic Physiotherapy Congress, Oslo, 2009

Balode R, Gaile Z. Development of a miscarried infant from the viewpoint of a physiotherapist. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the Baltic Association for Rehabilitation, Riga, 1999

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Kristīne Mārtinsone
Head of the Department, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Programme Group Leader (acting)
Inga Millere
Dean, Academic Staff, Chairperson
Oskars Kalējs
Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Anita Villeruša
Chair, Scientific Council, Director of Study Programme, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Project Manager
Ģirts Briģis
Head of the Department, Academic Staff
Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne
Academic Staff, Director, Lead Researcher, Project Manager
Signe Tomsone
Director of Study Programme, Academic Staff, Lead researcher, scientific project manager
Dins Šmits
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Chair, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Board Member
Voldemārs Arnis
Director of Study Programme, Academic Staff, Chair of Ethics Committee, Lead Researcher (Acting)
Inese Gobiņa
Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Project Manager, Member of Scientific Council
Laila Meija
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Aija Bukova-Žideļūna
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Jeļena Koļesņikova
Director of Study Programme, Academic Staff, Manager, Lead Researcher