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Work experience

2015 - Present


Department of Psychiatry and Narcology, Faculty of Medicine, Riga Stradins University

2007 - Present

Head of the Inpatient department

Riga Center of Psychiatry and Addiction Dissorders

1997 - Present

Lecturer, The Residency Training Programme in Narcology

Faculty of Continuing Education, Riga Stradins University

1993 - 2007


Riga narcology (addiction disorder) hospital, Riga (Latvia)

2001 - 2006


Rehabilitation Centre of Drug addiction

1989 - 1993

Medical Doctor

State Emergency Medical Service

Education and training

2015 - 2016

Professional development program "Forensic Medical Expertise"

Faculty of continuing education of Riga Stradiņš University.

2014 - 2014

Introduction to Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics

Riga Stradiņš University

1997 - 1998


Latvian Academy of Medicine

1993 - 1994


Latvian Association of Narcology

1982 - 1989

Medical Doctor

Faculty of General Medicine, Riga's Institute of Medicine

1988 - 1989

Emergency Medical Doctor

Riga's Institute of Medicine


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade


Conferences, workshops

The Baltic Conference of Psychiatry, June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia

New Psychoactive drugs, Latvian Physicians Association, May 2014, Riga, Latvia

OMI satellite symposium in Medical Education, 2014 October, Riga, Latvia

Medical Education Congress, Riga Stradiņš University, October 2014 20 - Oct. 21
III International Dual Diagnostic Congress, Addictition and other Mental Disorders, Dual Pathology, October 2013 23-26, Barcelona Spain

21th European Congress of Psychiatry, April 2013, Nice, France

ISAM 2012-14th Annual Meeting Treatment systems: Asserting the future, October 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

10th EUROPAD conference, May 2012, Barcelona, Spain

20th European Congress of Psychiatry, March 2012, Prague, Czech Republic

Global Addiction Congress, December 2011, Lisbon, Portugal

7th Baltic Symposium of Biological Psychiatry, August 2011, Palanga, Lithuania

14th Conference of Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry, June 2011, Jurmala, Latvia

Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence, May 2011, Madrid, Spain

Methadon in Latvia, UNODC, December 2010, Riga Latvia

Harm Reduction in the Baltic States - the Way Forward, UNODC, October 2010, Riga, Latvia

6th Baltic Symposium of Biological Psychiatry. August 2010, Palanga, Lithuania

Regular participation in local and national CME events


Field of research


1. The new psychoactive substance-induced intoxication psychopathological characteristics and possibilities of its use in clinical practice.​

2. Psychotic symptoms in Herbal Mix smokers and comorbid schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

3. Methadone Maintenance therapy in Latvia.


Supervised study programme


Postgraduate professional study program "Residency in medicine", Specialty programme in Narcology. Faculty of continuing education of Riga Stradiņš University.


Head of the study programme


Postgraduate professional study program "Residency in medicine", Specialty programme in Narcology. Faculty of continuing education of Riga Stradiņš University.




Member of the Latvian Psychiatric Association

Member of the Latvian Narcology Association




Research articles​​


Tribe, Jeļizaveta. Symptoms of depression in connection with frequency of alcohol use among patients in the unit of addiction disorders in Riga Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction Disorders / J.Tribe, J.Vrubļevska, S.Skaida // Daugavpils Universitātes 58. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums = Proceedings of the 58th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University (Daugavpils, 2016.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Daugavpils Universitāte. - A.daļa. - Daugavpils, 2016. - 160.-167.lpp. - Kopsavilkums latviešu valodā.




Skaida, Sarmīte. Psihotiskā simptomātika spaisa (spice) smēķētājiem un šizofrēniskā spektra komorbiditāte / S.Skaida // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 162.lpp.


Books and brochures

Jaunu psihoaktīvu vielu – apreibinošo smēķējamo augu maisījumu – lietošanas tendences Latvijā un Eiropā, Latvijas Universitātes raksti 2012, Volume 788, Medicīna, 21.-33.p.


S.Skaida. A.Stirna, Jaunu apreibinošu vielu lietošanas tendences Eiropā un Latvijā, Latvijas Ārsts, 2011


I.Golubovska, A.Miščuks, V.Jurkēvičs, S.Skaida, Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain relief: first experience in Baltics, Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2011


Jaunu apreibinošu vielu lietošanas tendences Eiropā un Latvijā, Latvijas Ārsts, 2011


Narkoloģija, co-author of the book, 2009

Alkohols un depresija, Doctus, 2004


Narkomānu aprūpes posmi, Latvijas Ārsts, 1999


Metadons Latvijā, Latvijas Ārsts, 1997




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