Physical factor measurements
Description | Price in EUR, excl. VAT |
Determination of daily noise exposure levels (maximum sound pressure (Lmax), peak sound pressure (Lpeak) levels and equivalent sound pressure (Leq) determination. On location: 1 work process | 27.89 |
Daily noise exposure level determination (maximum sound pressure (Lmax), peak sound pressure (Lpeak) level and equivalent sound pressure (Leq) determination. On location: 2 or more work processes | 37.29 |
Sound level measurements in octave ranges (frequencies) | 37.29 |
Environmental noise level evaluation | 210.91 |
Noise assessment in residential and public buildings | 113.00 |
Palm-hand vibration measurements and calculations by co-ordinates on Z, X, and Y axes and summarily | 36.45 |
All vibrations (transport, transport-technological and technological) measurements and calculations by co-ordinates on Z, X, and Y axes and summarily | 36.45 |
Light measurements: | |
- 1 workplace | 14.50 |
- room | 18.13 |
Microclimate measurements: | |
- temperature | 9.13 |
- relative humidity | 9.13 |
- speed of air flow | 9.13 |
Assessment of ventilation efficiency indoors (up to 30 m2) | 32.64 |
Assessment of ventilation efficiency indoors (over 30 m2) | 45.29 |
Determination of electromagnetic field | 37.05 |