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Work experience

2016 - Present

Acting Assistant

Riga Stradiņš University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2016 - Present

Doctor – trainee

P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital Perinatal Center 17th Department of Obstetrics

2015 - Present

Doctor – trainee

‘I.Vasaraudzes private clinic’

2012 - Present

Doctor – trainee

‘D.N.S.’ private clinic

2010 - 2016

Theoretical and practical training in obstetrics and gynaecology

Riga Stradins University Medical faculty and International Student faculty

2012 - 2016


Education and training

2010 - 2016

Doctor – resident in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Riga Stradins University Residency Department

2004 - 2010

Second-level higher professional education corresponded to the 5th level professional qualification (Diploma Serial Number PDE No 1279)

Riga Stradins University

2001 - 2004

General Secondary education in Riga Classical Gymnasium (Diploma Serial Number No 034583)

1992 - 2001

Primary education in Riga Classical Gymnasium (Diploma Serial Number No 042959)



O.Boka, S.Jagodkina, S.Vitina. Postpartum hemorrhage and polycythemia vera: a case report. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Bioloy, Volume 206, November 2016, p. E17-e18, ISSN

October 2011

'Dzemdību indukcija un tās ietekme uz dzemdību procesa norisi, pēcdzemdību periodu un augļa intrauterīno stāvokli Rīgas Dzemdību namā'

6. Latvijas Ginekologu un Dzemdību speciālistu kongress un 4th Joint Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (RCOG)/ Latvian Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians Eurovision Conference, Rīga, Latvija

March 2010

'Dzemdību atsāpināšanai pielietotās metodes un to ietekme uz dzemdību norisi, iznākumu un jaundzimušā veselību'

59. Medical Student Scientific Conference, Riga, Latvia


Ilze Grope
Satversmes sapulces priekšsēdētāja, Dean, Academic Staff, Board Member, Lead Researcher
Juta Kroiča
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Manager, Deputy Chair, RSU Council of Science
Jana Pavāre
Dean, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Ludmila Vīksna
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Chair, Convent of Councillors
Dace Zavadska
Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Lead researcher, scientific project manager
Jānis Gardovskis
Chair of the Senate, Head of Department, Academic Staff, Member, Convent of Councillors
Ilze Konrāde
Academic Staff, Director of Study Programme, Director, Health Care doctoral programme, Medicine sub-programme
Ivars Vanadziņš
Academic Staff, Director, Lead researcher, scientific project manager
Dace Gardovska
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Member of RSU Council
Andris Jumtiņš
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Member of RSU Council
Zanda Daneberga
Academic Staff, Deputy Director for Molecular Oncology, Manager, Deputy Chair, Lead Researcher
Oskars Kalējs
Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Gunta Lazdāne
Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Elmārs Rancāns
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Māris Taube
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Pēteris Tretjakovs
Head of Department, Director of Study Programme