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Work experience

2014 - Present

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Communication, Department of Sociology and Psychology

2014 - Present

Acting Researcher (Research)

Faculty of Communication, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Psychology Laboratory

2000 - Present


Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy

2015 - Present


Central Medical Experts' Commission, Health Centre of the Ministry of the Unterior of the Republic of Latvia

2016 - Present

Leading researcher

Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy

2013 - 2015


The Management and Leadership Research Centre (MLRC) at Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy

2013 - 2014


University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, Department of Psychology

Education and training

2009 - 2014

Doctor’s degree of Social Sciences in Psychology, specialisation in Personality Psychology (Dr.psych.; Diploma No. 0766)

The University of Latvia

Title of the doctoral thesis "Development of a Multidimentional Self-Report Personality Inventory and its Validation in the Sample of Latvian Adults"; Scientific supervisor: Viesturs Reņģe

2001 - 2004

Master’s degree of Social Sciences in Psychology (Mag.psych.; Diploma No. 0428)

University of Latvia, Faculty of Education & Psychology

1995 - 2000

Bachelor’s degree of Social Sciences in Psychology (Diploma No. 000877)

Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy

1995 - 2000

Qualification of Educational and Family Psychologist (diploma No. 000109)

Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade


30.08.2011. ​Pre-Congress workshop Test Development and Adaptation, 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, by Thomas Oakland, University of Florida, USA, Rīga, Latvija, (8 academic hours; Certificate​)

16.-21.07.2011. ​Summer school: Robust Statistics for Personality and Individual Differences (supported bu European Associacion of Personality Psychology EAPP and International Society for the Study of Individual Differences ISSID), Italy, Bertino. Performed by: Rand R. Wilcox, Southern California, USA; Jens B. Asendorph, Humpoldt University, Berlin, Germany; Felix Schönbrodt, Munich, Germany; Ryne A.Sherman, California at Riverside, USA. Certificate.​

07.07.2009. ​Pre-Congress workshop Cross-cultural adaptation of psychological tests and measures, by prof. dr. Fons van de Vijver, during the 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway, 7-10 July, 2009, (8 academic hours​, Certificate​)

20.07.2008. ​Pre-Congress Workshop Neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation, Chair: Siegfried Gauggel, during XXIX International Congress of Psychology, 20-25. July 2008, Berlin, Germany, (6 academic hours​, Certificate​)

08.10.2007. –09.10.2007. ​Training course: Traffic Psychology: Basic Module 1, lector: Mag. Margit Herle, SCHUHFRIED GmbH, Moedling, Austria, (16 academic hours, Certificate​​)

14.06.2004. –15.11.2004. ​Further education courses: Higher school didactics: Contemporary theories and practice, University of Latvia (160 academic hours, Certificate​). ​​​​​​


Field of research


- Development and adaptation of psychological assessment instruments.

- Personality traits, pathological personality traits, trait structure.

- Authenticity, identity, self-concept.

- Social-emotional competence, character strengths, religiosity, spirituality.

- Traffic psychology.


Objects of intellectual property


Developed psychological tests:

- Children's' behavior check-list (Perepjolkina, 2016) - in Latvian.

- Latvian Clinical Personality Questionnaire (Perepjolkina, Koļesņikova, Mārtinsone, Stepens, in-press) - in Latvian and in Russian.​

- Latvian Personality Inventory (LPA-v3, Perepjolkina, Reņģe, 2014) - in Latvian.​

- Time Management Questionnaire (Perepjolkina, 2015) - in Latvian.​

- Problem-solving Self-report Questionnaire (Perepjolkina, 2015) - in Latvian.

- Computerized Attention Test (Perepjolkina, 2015).

- Latvian Driver's Behavior Questionaire (Perepjolkina, 2010) - in Latvian​.

- Latvian Aggressive Driving Scale (Perepjolkina, 2009) - in Latvian​.​

- Everydays' Creativity Scale (Raščevska, Perepjolkina, Dudkina, 2010) - in Latvian​.


Supervised study course


Psychological Assessment of Cognitive Skills​

Practice of ​Psychological Assessment of Cognitive Skills

Psychological Assessment of Personality​

Practice of Psychological Assessment of Personality​​

Personality and Health


Research in Psychology

Research Methods in Psychology II

Bachelor thesis

Research in Psychology​ in Practice

Course Paper​


Personality Theories

Head of study course


Psychological Assessment of Cognitive Skills​

Practice of ​Psychological Assessment of Cognitive Skills

Psychological Assessment of Personality​

Practice of Psychological Assessment of Personality​​

Personality and Health


Research in Psychology

Research Methods in Psychology II

Bachelor thesis

Research in Psychology​ in Practice

Course Paper​


Lectured study course


Research Methodology

Research Methods in Psychology​


Supervised and reviewed student research papers


Supervised (in 2015-2016):

Master's theses: 6

Bachelor's theses: 5


Master's theses: 5

Bachelor's theses​: 0




Leading researcher: National Research Programme 2014-2017, project No. 5.8.2. Biomedinine for Public Health (BIOMEDICINE), The Sub-project / Activity: Development of the New technology "Latvian Clinical Personality Test - LCPT".​

2010.-2012. Researcher. Scientific grant Nr. 09.1584 supported by Latvian Council of Science: Personality, cognitive, and social factors in relation to some parameters of quality of life (project manager: Prof. Dr.psych. V.Reņģe).

01.01.2010.-31.12.2012. ​Psychophysiologist. ​Scientific grant Nr. 2009/0305/1DP/ /09/APIA/VIAA/122 supported by ESF "Development and implementation of Integrative teaching programme for adaptation to the social environment of pupils with learning, cognitive function and movement disorders" (project manager: Prof. Dr.biol. D.Voita).​

2009.-2010. researcher. ​Scientific grant Nr.09.1508 supported by Latvian Council of Science „The role of cultural, socioeconomic, psychophysiological and personality differences in road traffic safety" (project manager: Prof. Dr.biol. D.Voita) .​




Head of the Latvian Test Commission

Member of the Latvian Association of Health Psychology

Member of the Scholarship Board, Rīga Stradiņš University​




Research articles​​


Radziņš, Rolands. Piedošanas saistība ar stresu un fizisko veselību [Elektroniskais resurss] / R.Radziņš, V.Perepjolkina // X Jauno zinātnieku konference, 2014 [Elektroniskais resurss] : rakstu krājums / Rīgas Pedagoģijas un izglītības vadības akadēmija. - Rīga, 2015. - 79.-87.lpp, uz CD-ROM. - Pieejams arī tiešsaistē:

Schizophrenia through the lens of functional status : biopsychosocial approach = Шизофрения в контексте функционального состояния : биопсихосоциальный подход [Elektroniskais resurss] / A.Hofmane, K.Martinsone, V.Perepjolkina, J.Kolesnikova // Medical psychology in Russia = Медицинская психология в России [Elektroniskais resurss]. - No.6 (2015). - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 8.martā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - Teksts paral. angļu un krievu val.

Brūdere-Ruska, Saiva. M.Makkalova izveidotās Ar pāridarījumu saistītas strappersonu motivācijas aptaujas (TRIM-18) adaptācija Latvijā = Adaption of M.McCullough's transgression-related interpersonal motivation inventory (TRIM-18) in Latvia / S.Brudere-Ruska, V.Perepjolkina // Psiholoģija / Latvijas Universitāte. - (2014), [140.]-158.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.

Possibilities of enhancing school students’ well-being : evaluation of the effectiveness of integrative teaching programme / D.Skuskovnika, V.Perepjolkina, I.Tiltina-Kapele, D.Voita // SHS Web of Conferences : Proceedings. - Vol.10 (2014) : 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" (Riga, Latvia, Nov.22-23, 2012) / Rīga Stradiņš University. - 00041-p.1-00041-p.9. - Pieejams arī tiešsaistē:

Trups-Kalne, Ingrīda. Sociālā konservatīvisma skalas latviešu valodā izveide un validitātes pārbaude = Construction and validation of social conservativism scale in Latvian / I.Trups-Kalne, Ģ.Dimdiņš, V.Perepjolkina // Psiholoģija / Latvijas Universitāte. - (2014), [7.]-34.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.




Latvijas Klīniskā personības testa izstrāde : no idejas līdz tās realizācijai / V.Perepjolkina, J.Koļesņikova, K.Mārtinsone, A.Stepens, E.Rancāns // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 26.lpp.

Development and validation of the Latvian clinical personality test / V.Perepjolkina, J.Kolesnikova, K.Martinsone, A.Stepens // 14th European Congress of Psychology "Linking technology and psychology: feeding the mind, energy for life" (Milan, Italy, July 7-10, 2015) : Abstract Book. - Milan, 2015. - P.2184.


Latvian Clinical Personality Test: development and validation of the preliminary version of the Latvian Clinical Personality Test / J.Kolesnikova, V.Perepjolkina, K.Martinsone, A.Stepens, E.Rancans // European Psychiatry. - Vol.30, Suppl.1 (2015, March), Poster No.1000. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.


Latvijas Klīniskā personības testa apgalvojumu formulēšana : procedūra un rezultāti / V.Perepjolkina, K.Mārtinsone, J.Koļesņikova, A.Stepens, E.Rancāns // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 353.lpp.

Psychometric properties of the functioning scales for the Latvian clinical personality test (LCPT) / J.Koļesņikova, V.Perepjolkina, K.Mārtinsone, A.Stepens // Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. - Vol.47, No.8 (2015, Sept.), p.775-776. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relationship between anxiety and some aspects of functioning in a Latvian community sample / Z.Ozoliņa, A.Hofmane, K.Mārtinsone, V.Perepjolkina, J.Koļesņikova, J.Ļevina, A.Stepens // Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. - Vol.47, No.8 (2015, Sept.), p.798-799. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relationship between depressive symptoms and functioning in a Latvian community sample / A.Ošleja, A.Hofmane, K.Mārtinsone, V.Perepjolkina, J.Koļesņikova, J.Ļevina, A.Stepens // Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. - Vol.47, No.8 (2015, Sept.), p.798. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relationship between functioning and mental disorders in a sample of rehabilitation patients / K.Mārtinsone, V.Perepjolkina, J.Koļesņikova, J.Ļevina, A.Stepens ...[et al.] // Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. - Vol.47, No.8 (2015, Sept.), p.799. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relationship between psychotic symptoms and some aspects of functioning / A.Hofmane, K.Mārtinsone, V.Perepjolkina, J.Koļesņikova, J.Ļevina, J.Gómez-Benito, A.Stepens // Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. - Vol.47, No.8 (2015, Sept.), p.798. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relationship between the substance use related disorders scale and aspects of functioning / K.Pēča, K.Mārtinsone, V.Perepjolkina, J.Koļesņikova, A.Stepens // Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. - Vol.47, No.8 (2015, Sept.), p.799. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Integrative approach used for the development of the theoretical concept of the new clinical multidimensional personality test / J.Kolesnikova, V.Perepjolkina, K.Martinsone, A.Stepens // 5th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" & 2nd Conference of Speech Therapists (Riga, Nov.26-28, 2014) : Abstracts / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte ...[u.c.]. - Riga, 2014. - P.33.

Possibilities of research of anomie in Latvian society / J.Levina, K.Martinsone, J.Kolesnikova, V.Perepjolkina // 5th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" & 2nd Conference of Speech Therapists (Riga, Nov.26-28, 2014) : Abstracts / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte ...[u.c.]. - Riga, 2014. - P.39.


Books and brochures​​


Metodiskie norādījumi maģistra darbu izstrādei RSU veselības psiholoģijas un supervīzijas studiju programmām [Elektroniskais resurss] / V.Perepjolkinas un K.Mārtinsones redakcijā. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2015. - 96 lpp. - E-grāmata pieejama RSU tīklā:


Personība / V.Perepjolkina, M.Ludāne, K.Mārtinsone, S.Mihailova // Psiholoģija 2. Personība, grupa, sabiedrība, kultūra / zinātniskās redaktores: K.Mārtinsone, A.Miltuze. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2015. - 11.nod., 9.-76.lpp.



Personības iezīmju saistība ar veselību / V.Perepjolkina // Veselības psiholoģija / zinātniskās redaktores: K.Mārtinsone, V.Sudraba. - Rīga : RSU, 2016. - 5.1.nod., 131.- 142.lpp.



Psihoterapijas efektivitāte / V.Perepjolkina, E. Čukurs // Konsultēšanas un psihoterapijas teorija un prakse / zinātniskās redaktores: I.Bite, K.Mārtinsone, V.Sudraba. - Rīga: ​Zvaigzne ABC, 2016. - 7.daļa., 561.-591.lpp.​​​​



Statistiskā pieeja konsultēšanas un psihoterapijas iznākuma klīniskās nozīmības novērtēšanā / V.Perepjolkina // Konsultēšanas un psihoterapijas teorija un prakse / zinātniskās redaktores: I.Bite, K.Mārtinsone, V.Sudraba. - Rīga: ​Zvaigzne ABC, 2016. - Pielikums, 592.-604.lpp.​​​​​​



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