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On 17 October 2022, the Chapter of Orders appointed Aldis Lieljuksis, Associate Professor at the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Faculty of Law, as Commander of the Cross of Recognition. Assoc. Prof. Lieljuksis has been working at RSU since 1 September 2011.

‘My work at the Faculty of Law began after I finished my active service at the Ministry of the Interior. It should be noted that the University is where I have worked the longest, aside from my service,’ says Lieljuksis (pictured) at the beginning of the interview.


What do you enjoy most about your work at RSU?

The students who have follow-up questions after the lectures, who study knowing that the way to truly qualify as a lawyer you must be persistent and put in a lot of work. I enjoy the opportunity to work together not only with knowledgeable colleagues from the Faculty of Law, but also with colleagues in other faculties, gaining and broadening an interdisciplinary perspective on legal issues.

This award is a confirmation that you have contributed to the growth and development of Latvia. Which of your achievements are you most proud of?

It is difficult to single out one as I have been involved in several areas. Working collectively with representatives of various institutions, we have drafted laws and regulations that have brought about systemic changes in the field of national security. For example, I led working groups on proposals for a regulatory framework for the implementation of sanctions imposed by international organisations, the establishment of the Financial Intelligence Unit, a draft law on the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, and a crisis communication plan. I contributed to the drafting of such voluminous monographs as Commentaries on the Criminal Procedure Law and Medical Law (both the first and the supplemented edition). This was a very satisfying experience and serves to strengthen the rule of law in Latvia.

I would like to highlight the book Patient Autonomy and Criminal Law, published by Routledge this year. This book brings together the work of authors from 22 countries, including my work on patient rights protection issues in criminal law.

The publications not only promote the name of RSU, already well-known in the medical field, but also showcases the University’s research in law on an international level.

I have been invited to provide my perspective on complex legal issues before the Constitutional Court in six cases. Although all the decisions of the Constitutional Court are significant, I would like to highlight the judgements in the so-called DNA case, as well as in the cases on special permits for work with objects of state secrecy that I participated in. This resulted in significant changes to the existing legal framework.

I would also like to mention the entry on internal state security that I drafted for the National Encyclopaedia and the monograph Operatīvā darba tiesiskās un praktiskās problēmas published in 2021.

I am proud of the well-written doctoral and master’s theses, and other research papers that students have written under my supervision.


On 18 November 2022, the President of Latvia Egils Levits presented the Cross of Recognition to Aldis Lieljuksis (right), Associate Professor at the RSU Faculty of Law, at the Riga Castle. Photo: Ilmārs Znotiņš (Chancery of the President of Latvia)

What is the your focus at RSU at the moment?

The focus is still on all of the above, but teaching is a priority.

RSU Research Week will take place in spring 2023, with various events and several international conferences dedicated to medicine as well as health and social sciences. Are you planning to participate?

I would like to participate in the conference organised by Professor Aivars Vētra, "Asclepius vs Themis? Legal Aspects of Patients' Rights in Medical Practice" on 2 December this year. I will be presenting a paper at this conference. I am convinced that the conference will raise issues of medical law that will require further thinking, research, writing, and speaking both during the RSU Research Week and in other forums.

What should every Latvian citizen take into account in order to make our country an organised welfare state in the future?

To live in Latvia with heart and soul and to work for the common good.

What gives you strength and energy in these difficult times?

Faith, hope, love, family and friends. Regular physical activity, cultural events, and travel. Yes, and a good tomato harvest in the greenhouse and a beautiful thorn apple flower in the garden.

It will be Christmas and New Year's soon. What do you wish the RSU family for 2023?

Peaceful Latvian skies and under them unity, health, creativity, cheerfulness, and strength in these difficult times!

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