Local and International Students Participate in Speed Friending Event
On 23 February the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) International Department organised a speed friending event together with the International Student Association (ISA) and the Student Union (Studējošo pašpārvalde, SP).
Around 40 international and local students gathered at the RSU Student House in the Old Town to introduce themselves and then played name games and the hot potato game. In the main part of the event, participants split into pairs and got to know one another in three-minute question and answer sessions, after which they swapped partners.
The aim of the event was to bring international and local students together. Students were able to socialise, enjoy snacks, exchange contact information, and plan future meetings after the event.
This event is particularly important for first semester students who just started their studies at RSU at the beginning of February as a way to meet and get to know other students thus widening their social circle.