PhD students and PhD candidates are invited to apply for doctoral grants
For PhD Students
We are pleased to inform you that as of 18 December 2024, doctoral students and scientific degree candidates at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) (including the RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education, LASE) are welcome to apply for doctoral grants.
Guidelines, forms, and related information
Submit paper copies of your application through the Development and Project Department (5 Dārza iela) or digitally (signed with a secure electronic signature and time stamp) via e-mail: doktorantugrantsapd@rsu.lv by 28 February 2025.
Contact information
Development and Project Department
The project RSU internal and RSU with LASE external consolidation No. is financed by the investment of the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility and the state budget.
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