Researchers from RSU test innovative ergonomic computer gaming glove
Researchers from the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (IOSEH) participated in the Latvian Investment and Development Agency’s PROTOTECH programme and tested a prototype of the Grindclaw ergonomic computer gaming glove developed by Latvian start-up Grindclaw.
The prototype was compared to alternative solutions (scenarios) to objectively evaluate the parameters that ensure that the user’s hand is kept in a correct ergonomic position while gaming to help reduce the risk of overstrain, discomfort, avoid potential health problems, and improve professional computer game players’, e-athletes’, performance. This innovative solution could be applied not only in the gaming industry, but also in other sectors such as computer, office and IT work to preserve the health of employees.
According to Jeļena Reste, IOSEH lead researcher, the main challenges in implementing this project were related to organising the study, involving real e-athletes, as well as choosing research methods appropriate to the research objective and ensuring the quality of measurements.
Ģirts Ozoliņš, the representative of the customer of the Grindclaw prototype testing, points out that the functionality of the glove, which depends on the choice of material and the design of the glove to ensure correct ergonomics, plays an important role in creating market demand. The involvement of researchers RSU in the testing of the prototype provided scientifically sound evidence that the prototype that Grindclaw has developed meets the quality requirements and performs better than comparable alternatives.
Collaboration between universities and entrepreneurs is crucial, as it promotes technological development and innovation in Latvia. The PROTOTECH prototyping programme aims to create new and efficient products that can compete in the international market. Although Grindclaw is just one of many successful projects, it demonstrates Latvia’s ability to create innovative solutions and foster economic growth.
PROTOTECH is a prototyping programme created by the Technology Business Centre of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, which provides support to individuals and legal entities in designing and developing prototypes of science-intensive technology products or services in cooperation with leading Latvian universities – Riga Technical University, the University of Latvia, and Rīga Stradiņš University. The project is implemented under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 programme Business Development, Innovation and SMEs. A grant of EUR 13.3 thousand has been received for the development of this prototype.
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