RSU Matriculation Ceremony for Freshmen Has Successfully Concluded
On 31 August, the new 2020/21 academic year was opened with a solemn immatriculation ceremony for all first-year students. The ceremony was held in the backyard of Rīga Stradiņš University and in the adjacent Inspiration Park. At the traditional event, which could also be viewed live online, RSU management and faculty deans greeted the 2,754 new Latvian and international students.
In September, studies at RSU will be organised remotely, excluding placements and studies for first-year social sciences students. All study courses and their contents will be available on RSU e-platforms. For first-year social science students 20% of lectures and classes will take place in person at RSU in accordance with the Procedures for the Implementation of Precautionary Measures to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 Infection at Rīga Stradiņš University. It is currently planned that there will be a transition to blended learning from 5 October. On-site studies will be carried out to the extent permitted by the relevant national regulatory guidelines to limit the spread of COVID-19.