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International Cooperation

From 5 to 6 September, researchers Dr. iur. Kristīne Kuzņecova and Romāns Gagunovs from the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) grant ‘Prevention of security threats and risks in the political protection, social, socio-economic and informative fields’ presented their research at the 4th Jagiellonian Interdisciplinary Security Conference (4JISC) entitled ‘The Age of Warring States: Debating Peace and War in the 2020s’ in Krakow, Poland.

Together with her colleagues Prof. em. Dr. iur. Andrejs Vilks and doc. Dr. iur. Aldona Kipāne, Kuzņecova presented the research paper “Theoretical Aspects of the Genesis of Modern Military Conflicts”, while Gagunovs shared insights from his research paper “The Sustainability of Political Parties and Party Associations in Latvia: A Guarantor of Democracy and Security in an Unstable Security Environment”.

Kuzņecova points out:

‘In today's world, the line between peace and war is becoming increasingly blurred. This is why the analysis of military security and theories of the origins of military conflicts have become a major focus in the field of international politics.

Who should take responsibility for promoting and maintaining national and global security? At the societal level, it is particularly important to identify, anticipate, assess, manage and mitigate the negative effects of potential risks, while at the national level, structural changes in the security architecture of the entire community and the development of even stronger forms of cooperation are needed.’

Security analysis covers several areas. ‘Now that we are facing new global challenges and increasing security risks,

it is particularly important to discuss not only external security challenges, but also internal security.

Strong and sustainable political parties can ensure the continuity of democracy and prevent potential threats to the internal security of our country, thus promoting long-term stability and public trust in state institutions,’ Gagunovs emphasises.

The conference focused on current security issues and challenges, with a particular emphasis on the dynamics of war and peace in modern international politics. The event brought together researchers from different countries and disciplines to analyse and discuss various aspects of security, politics and international relations.

The research papers were developed within the framework of the RSU grant ‘Prevention of Security Threats and Risks in the Political Protection, Social, Socio-economic and Informative Fields’ (RSU-PAG-2024/1-0015).

Read more about the grant and planned activities 

Read more about the conference