Second issue of "Semper Anticus" released
The second issue of RSU students’ popular-scientific journal Semper Anticus has been released, covering up-to-date and captivating health care and social sciences topics.
The journal brings to its readers versatile medical topics from antibiotic resistance, the effects of tobacco on gums to profiting from a disease. RSU social sciences students have supplemented the journal with overarching global themes, as the UK’s decision to withdraw from the European Union, often shortened to Brexit, and Donald Trump’s economic agenda.
Jaunais numurs digitālajā versijā ir pieejams Semper Anticus tīmekļa žurnālā Žurnāla drukātā versija būs pieejama, sākot ar 7. jūniju, RSU Studējošo pašpārvaldes birojā, Dzirciema ielā 16, C korpusa 213. telpā.
The digital version of the second issue of Semper Anticus is available online, while the printed version can be picked up at the RSU Student Union office at 16 Dzirciema Street, Block C, Room 213.
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