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RSU in the news

The long-standing collaboration between Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and Elbe Klinikum Stade (EKS) has garnered attention in the German media. The regional newspaper Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt, which has been closely following the development of this partnership, published an article on 12 September 2024 by journalist Jörg Dammann. This latest piece is a follow-up to their earlier report from May 2024, also written by Dammann, which discussed the initial interest and plans for RSU’s new branch in Stade. This continuing coverage underscores the significance of the RSU-Elbe Klinikum collaboration for both the local and international community.

In May 2024, Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt had already introduced readers to the idea of a medical campus at EKS, designed as a branch of RSU. At the time, Dammann reported on the substantial interest from RSU students in completing the second part of their medical training in Stade. This, as the newspaper explained, was a strategic initiative aimed at addressing the critical shortage of healthcare professionals in the region. By bringing medical students to Stade, the hope was that some would remain in the area after completing their studies, thus providing a much-needed boost to the local healthcare system.

The May article featured an interview with Lisa, a 21-year-old medical student from North Rhine-Westphalia who shared her hopes of continuing her studies at the newly established RSU branch in Stade. Lisa, like many of her German peers, had chosen to study abroad due to the highly competitive admission quotas in Germany. ‘I would love to continue my studies in Germany,’ she said. Dammann's article captured the excitement and anticipation surrounding the project, with Lisa noting that the opportunity to study in Stade ‘would be perfect.’

The article from 12 September 2024 reflects on the progress made since then. The official partnership has been sealed, and the first groups of RSU students are already training in Stade. As previously reported, the long-term goal is to have up to 96 students enrolled at the Stade branch, a significant expansion that will help strengthen the local healthcare system. District Administrator Kai Seefried, a key figure in the project, expressed optimism about the impact this partnership will have on the region. He mentioned to Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt that the strong interest from students in Riga was precisely what they had hoped for.

The September article goes further, detailing the official signing ceremony that took place at Agathenburg Castle. High-ranking officials from both Latvia and Germany attended the event, emphasising the international significance of the collaboration. The presence of Latvia’s Minister of Health, Hossam Abu Meri, was highlighted as a sign of how important this partnership is to Latvia’s healthcare development. ‘This cooperation is an outstanding example of how we can improve healthcare together,’ Abu Meri was quoted as saying.

For RSU, the partnership with Stade represents not only an opportunity to provide high-quality practical training for its students but also a chance to further strengthen its reputation as a leading international institution. The University’s international programme has been particularly attractive to German students. According to Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt, RSU's ability to offer these students a route back to Germany through practical placements in Stade is a key advantage of the partnership.

In both articles, Dammann highlights the potential long-term benefits of the RSU-EKS collaboration, particularly the hope that a percentage of the students will choose to remain in Stade after graduation. With additional funding secured and plans for a dedicated medical campus underway, the partnership is set to have a lasting impact on the region’s healthcare services. By 2026, the expanded facilities will include lecture halls, seminar rooms, and a library, all of which will support the growing number of students training in Stade.

EKS aerial view
Aerial view of EKS.

It is clear that the collaboration between Rīga Stradiņš University and Elbe Klinikum Stade is seen as a critical development for both the local healthcare system and the university’s growing international presence. The ongoing media attention further highlights the importance of this partnership in addressing the pressing need for healthcare professionals in Germany while showcasing RSU's role in shaping the future of European medical education.