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Work experience

2019 - Present


State LLC "Childrens' CLinical University hospital"

2017 - Present

Paediatric cardiology resident

State LLC "Childrens' Clinical University hospital"

2016 - Present

Study Process Organiser

Riga Sradins university faculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatrics

2016 - Present


Riga Stradins University, Department of Paediatrics

2014 - 2018

Paediatric resident

State LLC "Clinical Children's university hospital"

Education and training

2017 - Present

Residency in Paediatric cardiology

Riga Stradins university

2014 - 2018

Residency in Paediatrics

Riga Stradins university

2008 - 2014

Medical Doctor’s Diploma

Riga Stradins university


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade


2016. Basics in transfusiology for medical doctors

2016. ESPID A practical approach to serious infections in children


Dalība biedrībās, organizācijās u.tml.



Member of the Faculty on Continuing Education Board, Riga Stradins University​




Research articles​​


Par jauno ārstu tiesībām dzīvot un strādāt Latvijā / K.Rācenis, S.Šetlere, I.Glāzere, P.Sīlis ...[u.c.] // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.12 (2018, dec.), 80.lpp.




Influencing factors on 24-hour blood pressure measurements in childhood coarctation of aorta / P.Silis, I.Lubaua, I.Lāce, S.Sendzikaite // Rīga Stradiņš University International Conference on Medical and Health Care Sciences "Knowledge for Use in Practice" (Riga, Latvia, Apr.1-3, 2019) : Abstracts / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Rīga, 2019. - P.181.

Arterial hypertension and markers of early vascular aging in children with coarctation of the aorta / S.Sendžikaitė, I.Lubaua, P.Silis ...[et al.] // Acta Medica Lituanica. - Vol.25, Suppl. (2018), p.39-40. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Zagorskis, Ivans. Iekaisuma rādītāji pacientiem ar infekciozo endokardītu / I.Zagorskis, Ē.Kalniņš, P.Sīlis // 2017.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2017.g. 6.-7.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2017. - 26.lpp.

Sīlis, Pauls. Possible infuence of lifestyle on the development of heart arrhythmia in teenagers in the Clinical Children's hospital of Latvia / P.Silis, I.Lubaua // The 3rd Baltic Paediatric Congress (Riga, Latvia, Aug.19-21, 2015) : Abstracts. - Riga, 2015. - P.66.

Zagorskis, Ivans. Infekciozā endokardīta etioloģija un procesa lokalizācija / I.Zagorskis, P.Sīlis, Ē.Kalniņš // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 182.lpp.

Zagorskis, Ivans. Infekciozā endokardīta komplikācijas / I.Zagorskis, P.Sīlis, Ē.Kalniņš // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 183.lpp.

Lectured study course

Basics of Paediatrics II

Basics of Paediatrics III

Healthy Child Programme

Infectious Diseases of Children


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