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For RSU Employees
International Cooperation
For Students

A photo collage portraying various Erasmus experience stories created by the RSU International Department received an award at the Erasmus Poster Design Competition. The competition took place during the European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC) congress ERACON 2019 held in Paphos, Cyprus which was organised in cooperation with the European Commission and the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. The award was presented for excellence in popularising the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme.

During the congress the Director of the RSU International Department, Baiba Pētersone (pictured), gave a presentation on the role of mobility in developing medical students’ and residents’ professional and social skills and the impact of mobility on the institutional development and strengthening national healthcare systems.

As the current Erasmus+ programme is in its final stages the congress also addressed issues associated with the introduction of the new Erasmus programme in 2021 – the digitalisation of the Erasmus programme, virtual and combined mobilities (blended mobilities), widening opportunities for mobility within various projects, linking the Erasmus programme to research and innovation programmes, such as Horizon, study mobilities with countries outside the EU, student traineeship mobilities with the aim to upgrade their business management skills, using the opportunities provided by Erasmus programme in creating and implementing double and joint degree programmes, etc. 


EAEC brings together institutions of higher education from Europe and other countries that implement the Erasmus+ programme. Each year the congress gathers several hundred university representatives and delegates from the European Commission and national agencies for higher education.

This photo collage reflecting the Erasmus experience is available to the public in the RSU Main Building on the 2nd floor of Block K. It was created in recognition of the 15th anniversary since RSU implemented the student exchange programme with its partner universities. The collage contains photographs taken by more than 60 Erasmus programme participants during their period abroad, supplemented with keywords characterising their experience.


EAEC Board Member Gheorghe Duda, EAEC President Gregory Makrides, RSU ID Director Baiba Pētersone and representatives of the EAEC headquarters.


A piece of the Erasmus experience photo collage