Gita Gersone
Acting Lead Researcher, Department of Rehabilitation
Researcher, Development and Project Department
Acting Lead Researcher, Sporta un uztura izpētes laboratorija
Work experience
2018 - Present | Assistant ProfessorRSU, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry |
2015 - 2018 | Acting LecturerRSU, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry |
2014 - 2015 | Technical assistantRSU, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry |
2013 - 2015 | University research assistantInstitute of Electronics and Computer science, Riga (Latvia) |
2010 - 2014 | ResearcherUniversity of Latvia, Experimental and Clinical Medicine institute, Riga (Latvia) |
2009 - 2013 | Research project managerJSC Grindeks, Riga (Latvia) |
2010 - 2010 | Laboratory SpecialistP. Stradins Clinical University Hospital - Cell Transplantation Centre., Riga (Latvia) |
2008 - 2009 | Head of Stem Cell Research GroupMedical Consulting Service Ltd., Riga (Latvia) |
2007 - 2008 | Medical laboratory assistantMedical Consulting Service Ltd., Riga (Latvia) |
2006 - 2007 | Clinical Research Associate”ICON” |
Education and training
2010 - 2018 | University of Latvia, Biology faculty, Riga (Latvia) (ISCED-97-6).University of Latvia, Biology faculty, Riga (Latvia) |
2006 - 2008 | Master’s degree of biologyUniversity of Latvia, Biology faculty, Riga (Latvia) |
2003 - 2006 | Bachelor's degree of biologyThe University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) |
Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade
2019-2020 - RSU Jauno docētāju skola
2016. Duke University; Medical Neuroscience. Corsera certificate
2015-2016 - Alius Lingua English course. Certificate Nr. 1301-2016
2015 - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Scholl of Public health; Statistical Reasoning for public health1: Estimation, Interference, and Interpretation. Corsera certificate
2014 - Open Medical Institute and RSU organized course "Medical Education"
2013 - SPSS statistical course, Certificate
2011- Clinical research with medical devices, Certificate
2011 - „Introduction to Effective Medical Writing", Certificate
2010 - Biomedical researches and biotechnology school
2010 - Leonardo Da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme. Receiving organisation - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Project "Pharmacological modulation of extinction training to facilitate fear extinction in passive avoidance learning in C57BL/6N mice". Certificate and Europass Mobility Nr. LV/00/2010/0260/004/NL/10
Field of research
- Cardiovascular disease risk factors and their detection and possible prevention;
- Metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, diabetes;
- Obesity and overweight
- Renal physiology
- Ectopic adipose tissue accumulation
Head of study course
Normal physiology Pharmacy faculty
Physiology for medical engineers (RTU)
Lectured study course
Normal physiology Pharmacy faculty
Physiology for medical engineers (RTU)
Physiology for medical students
Supervised and reviewed student research papers
Supervised: Master's theses: 2
Reviewed: Master's theses: 2
Interplay of Environmental and Genetic Factors in the Immunologic Mechanisms of Thyroid Autoimmune Diseases. lzp-2018/2-0059
Framework of the Latvian National Program in Medicine, „Early development of atherosclerosis, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes; detection of cytological, immunologic and radiologic parameters" (supervisors Tretjakovs P and Lejnieks A, 2010 – 2014, biologist Krievina G.)
"Innovative technologies for acquisition and processing of biomedical images". The project is supported by the European Social Fund within the ESF grant No. "2013/0009/1DP/" (Scientific manager of the project is Dr.habil.math. Aivars Lorencs; 2013-2015, Research assistant Krievina G.)
Leonardo Da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme. Receiving organization - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Project "Pharmacological modulation of extinction training to facilitate fear extinction in passive avoidance learning in C57BL/6N mice". Certificate and Europass Mobility Nr. LV/00/2010/0260/004/NL/10
Tēzes 2015 - 2018
Markers of nitrosative stress, angiogenesis, and inflammation linked to severity of complications in type 1 diabetes . Jelizaveta Sokolovska, Kristīne Ošina, Alise Dekante, Gita Krievina, Pēteris Tretjakovs, Valdis Pīrāgs & Nikolajs Sjakste. Endocrine Abstracts (2018) 56 P461 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.56.P461
Decreased level of melatonin in type-2 diabetic patients and the influence of adiposity and smoking. Peteris Tretjakovs, Ilze Konrade, Ieva Kalera, Normunds Limba and Gita Krievina. 26th International Conference on Clinical Diabetes December 14-15, 2017 Rome, Italy
ADAMTS-13 koncentrācijas saistība ar klīniskajiem slimību raksturlielumiem un iznākumiem hospitalizētiem bērniem / A.Ņikuļenkova, H.Čupeca, A.Prokofjeva, G.Krieviņa, P.Tretjakovs, R.Balmaks, J.Pavāre, D.Gardovska, I.Grope ...[u.c.] // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 170.lpp.
Blood pressure association with segmented abdominal fat / G.Krievina, I.Skuja, V.Silina, P.Tretjakovs // The Physiological Society Meeting "Physiology 2015" (Cardiff, UK, July 6-8, 2015) : Abstract Book. - Cardiff, 2015. - P.156P.
Renal sinus fat gender specific favorable metabolic effects / G.Krievina, P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs ... [et al.] // 56th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, Sept.22- 26) : [Abstracts]. - Puerto Iguazú, 2015. - Abstr. No.P42.
Publikācijas 2015-2020
1. Jelizaveta Sokolovska, Juris Stefanovics, Gita Gersone, Leonora Pahirko, Janis Valeinis, Sanita Kalva-Vaivode, Vita Rovite, Leons Blumfelds, Valdis Pirags, Peteris Tretjakovs. Angiopoietin 2 and Neuropeptide Y are associated with diabetic kidney disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus.Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes - pieņemts publicēšanai
2. Rautiainen, L., Cirko, A., Pavare, J., Balmaks, R., Grope, I., Katirlo, I., Gersone, G., Tretjakovs, P., Gardovska, D. Assessment of ADAMTS-13 level in hospitalized children with serious bacterial infections as a possible prognostic marker. Medicina (Lithuania). Volume 55, Issue 8, August 2019, Article number 503
3. Tretjakovs, P., Hofmanis, J., Hofmane, D., Krieviņa, G. (tagad Gersone), Blumfelds, L., Mackevičs, V., Lejnieks, A., Bahs, G. Prognostic utility of novel biomarkers in aortic valve stenosis. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Volume 73, Issue 2, 1 May 2019, Pages 100-106
4. Kalere, I., Konrade, I., Proskurina, A., Upmale, S., Zaķe, T., Limba, N., Krieviņa, G. (tagad Gersone), Lejnieks, A., Tretjakovs, P. Melatonin concentrations and sleep quality in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Volume 73, Issue 2, 1 May 2019, Pages 152-157
5. Silina V., Tessma M.K., Senkane S., Krievina G., Bahs G. 2017. Text messaging (SMS) as a tool to facilitate weight loss and prevent metabolic deterioration in clinically healthy overweight and obese subjects: a randomised controlled trial. Scandinavian journal of primary health care. 35 (3): 262-270. doi:10.1080/02813432.2017.1358435.
6. Krievina G., Tretjakovs P., Skuja I., Silina V., Keisa L., Krievina D., Bahs G., 2016. Ectopic adipose tissue storage in the left and the right renal sinus is asymmetric and associated with serum kidney injury molecule-1 and fibroblast growth factor-21 levels increase. EBioMedicine 13: 274-283.
7. P. Tretjakovs, L. Rautiainena, G. Krievina, A. Jurka, I. Grope, D. Gardovska, 2016. Changes in Serum High-Molecular-Weight Adiponectin Levels in Critically Ill Children with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Open medical journal, 3: 166-170.
8. I.Miķelsone, G.Krieviņa, Dz.Vāvere. 2015. Pranamat ECO akupresūras-masāžas paklājiņš. Efektivitātes novērtējums muguras sāpju novēršanai. DOCTUS – žurnāls ārstiem un farmaceitiem, jūnijs, 6 [171], 48–51
Dr. biol. Gita Gersone, an assistant professor and lead researcher at RSU, has more than 16 years of experience in biomedical research. She focuses on measuring biomarkers (myokines, adipokines, interleukins, hormones, etc.) in various biological samples.
Gita is an expert in a full range of bioanalytical techniques, including ELISA, RIA, flow cytometry, cell-based assays, and xMAP. She has also been trained in data analysis and wireless telemetry at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Gita has extensive experience participating in international and national research projects related to changes in biomarkers under various conditions. Additionally, she is the scientific supervisor for RSU/LSPA consolidation grant and also has experience as a research project manager at AS Grindeks.
Gita is an assistant professor of Physiology and has been the course director and instructor for courses such as “Functional Physiology and Biological Regulatory Mechanisms for Biotechnology Students,” “Physiology for Engineering Students,” and “Physiology for Pharmacy Students,” among others. Gita has experience supervising bachelor's, master's, and doctoral theses.