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The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into academia is reshaping the landscape of higher education, with Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) at the forefront of this evolution. As universities worldwide grapple with the ethical and pedagogical implications of adopting AI, RSU, alongside the University of Latvia, has developed comprehensive guidelines to navigate its use in teaching.

Exploring academic peaks: RSU doctoral student Aleksandra Palkova shares insights on her journey

We are launching a five-story series about five passionate, courageous people who challenged themselves and made the decision to embark on a climb. This climb requires willpower, endurance, and flexibility to overcome difficulties that come up along the way, but in return brings new, exciting discoveries, support from a team, and access to dizzying horizons like we hear about from mountain climbers. You don't however always have to pack a backpack to get to the top – you can achieve the same by enrolling in a doctoral programme at RSU!

RSU signs cooperation agreement with Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) has signed a cooperation agreement with Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). The agreement outlines a framework for exchanging best practices and how to cooperate in implementing innovations in science and studies. 

‘Working together with LSMU, we witness the power of cooperation. Together, we will find new ways to innovate in research and education, to promote discovery, and to develop globally competitive study programmes. 

On 18 April at 10.00, New Yorker journalist Joshua Yaffa will give a guest lecture on his career in journalism, including his time spent in Moscow and reporting from Ukraine. The lecture will take place in the RSU Main Building.

The lecture is organised in cooperation with the US Embassy in Latvia.

Everyone interested is welcome to attend!

RSU norisināsies antropoloģiskā konference par cilvēku mobilitāti

On 10 and 11 October 2024, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) will host the two-day conference The Getaway Conference: Mobilities, Societies, the State, and Detoxing.

Ieva Puzo and Christian Ritter, leaders of the Migration and Mobility working group of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, are organising the two-day anthropological conference on human mobility in collaboration with researchers from RSU and the FLPP project (Re)moving Ties.

An online workshop "How to understand cohort and case-control study papers" will take place on Wednesday, 17 April, led by Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Visiting Professors in Family Medicine Michael Harris (UK) and Hans Thulesius (Sweden).

The workshop is intended for doctors, residents, students and anyone interested in using cohort and case-control research methods/outcomes in practice or research.

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