Social work is a dynamic profession with a lot of areas in which graduates can work. It focuses on reducing, limiting, or eliminating undesirable social consequences arising from a wide range of social events and processes. Therefore, protection of the needs and interests of those in difficulty, but especially the most vulnerable members of society, is a constant concern of social workers.
Last Saturday, the RSU/MSG team celebrated victory in the final of the Optibet Baltic Women’s Volleyball League (BWVL) in Tallinn and became the second Latvian team to win the Baltic League.
The Rīga Stradiņš University/Murjāņi Sports Gymnasium (RSU/MSG) women’s volleyball team finished the main tournament in sixth place, but they beat their main opponent, the Riga Volleyball School/University of Latvia team 3–1 and 3–2 in the quarter-finals.
After winning a competition, two researchers who are involved with the (Re)moving Ties project Assoc. Prof. Aija Lulle and Ieva Puzo (PhD), will publish a special edition titled Mobility, Work and Families amongst the Highly Skilled.
After winning a competition, two researchers who are involved with the (Re)moving Ties project Assoc. Prof. Aija Lulle and Ieva Puzo (PhD), will publish a special edition titled Mobility, Work and Families amongst the Highly Skilled.
After winning a competition, two researchers who are involved with the (Re)moving Ties project Assoc. Prof. Aija Lulle and Ieva Puzo (PhD), will publish a special edition titled Mobility, Work and Families amongst the Highly Skilled.
As this year marks 20 years since Latvia became a full member of NATO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) organised a lecture titled “Latvia’s path to NATO: diplomacy, courage and overcoming external threats” by Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Honorary Doctor of RSU and former President of Latvia (1999-2007) in the Great Hall on 5 March.
On 5 March, local and international students from Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) said goodbye to winter and hello to the new semester by making new friends in the University's traditional Speed Friending event.
The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Anatomy Museum invites you to participate in four drawing classes during which the participants will study different specimens from the museum and learn various drawing techniques.
Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) has been recognised as the university with the best reputation in Latvia for the eighth year in a row. Data shows that RSU has maintained and further strengthened its position as having the reputation both in society and among young people. RSU stands out among other higher education institutions for its quality of education and the practical knowledge and skills it provides. A degree from the university is regarded highly in the job market.