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About Study Course

Department: Statistics Unit
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Māris Munkevics
Target audience:Pharmacy; Public Health; Medicine; Dentistry
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Mathematics; Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics


To introduce students with open access data analysis tool R and get acquainted with the possibilities in solving data analysis violations. The most commonly used data analysis methods have strong prerequisites that often are violated due to lack of expertise in addressing them. It is planned to introduce students with tools and methods to reduce data analysis violations.


Basic knowledge in data analysis. Acquired, for example, in course SL_001 "Biostatistics" or its equivalents.

Learning outcomes


Students will receive knowledge in programming in open access data analysis software and options in dealing with most common violations during data anlysis.


Students will be practically dealing with most common violations during data anlysis.


Frequently used data analysis methods have strong prerequisites that are often violated. The course participants will have the competence to address these violations analytically.