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Pluralism Anxiety. Acting Socially in Latvia

Autors(i): Sergejs Kruks, red., Xavier Landes, Jeļena Ļevina, Kristīne Mārtinsone, Ritma Rungule, Silva Seņkāne, Diāna Kalniņa, Aija Kažoka, Kristīne Rolle, Klāvs Sedlenieks, Ilva Skulte, Normunds Kozlovs, Anda Rožukalne
Izdevniecība: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte

Ekonomiskā krīze Latvijā: veiksmes stāsta pēcgarša

Autors(i): Sergejs Kruks, red.
Izdevniecība: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte

Work experience

2012 - Present


Riga Stradins University

2007 - 2012

Associated professor

Riga Stradins University

2006 - 2007

Senior researcher

Riga Stradins University

2005 - 2006

Fulbright Scholar

Indiana University, Bloomington

1995 - 2005

lecturer, assistant professor, chair of the Communication Department

University of Latvia

1988 - 1995

editor, chief editor, head of the Russian section

Latvia National radio

2014 - 2017

Research prject leader, Understanding social change: Values and social conduct of individuals and groups”

National Research Programme

2013 - 2015

Research leader, "Economic crisis in Latvia"

Riga Stradins University

2007 - 2011

Research leader, "Cultural policy of Soviet Latvia"

Private grant

2007 - 2007

Research leader, "Monitoring of news broadcasts on six Latvia’s television"

National Broadcasting Council

Education and training

1999 - 2003

Doctoral degree in Information and Communication Sciences (Dr. sc. inf.)

Université Paris-II Panthéon-Assas

1998 - 1999

Master degree (DEA) in Media and Multimedia

Université Paris-II Panthéon- Assas

1995 - 1997

M.Phil. in Media Studies

University of Oslo

1996 - 1996

Traineeship for broadcasting teachers

Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes, CFPJ

1986 - 1991

Diploma in Journalism

University of Latvia


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade




2016 Panel organized at the 9th CEECOM conference "Media and Communication studies: bridging disciplines, bridging countries", Tartu University, 16-18 June.

2016 Panel organized at the 25th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. "Global, Glocal, and Local: Distinction and Interconnection in the Baltic States", University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 26-28 May.

2016 "Inter- un metamuzikalitāte Dmitrija Šostakoviča opusos". III starpdisciplinārā zinātniskā konference „Mūzikas pētījumi Latvijā", Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmija, Rīga 31.03-01.04.

2016 "Publiskās komunikācijas neveiksme semiotikas skatījumā". RSU annual Academic conference. Riga, 24-25 March.

2016 „Identifying the political: Rhetoric, Poetics and Populist Talk in Contemporary Politics". Nordic Summer University & University of Latvia, 22-23 February.

2015 "Public communication in Latvia: the cultural reasons of social passivity." ECREA Communication and Democracy Conference "Political Agency in the Digital Age. Media, Participation and Democracy", Copenhagen Business School, 9-10 October.

2015 "Romanticism and Historicism vs. Public sphere." Bridges and Boundaries: Theories, Concepts and Sources in Communication History, European Communication Research and Education Association International Conference, Venice, 16-18 September.

2015 "Leviathan is the language: Latvian concept of linguistic integration". International Conference "Baltic Sea Region in the Context of EU Integration", University of Latvia, Riga, 11-13 June.

2015 "Towards a semiotics of cultural nationalism." 2nd International Congress of Numanities, International Semiotics Institute, Kaunas Institute of Technology, 25-29 May.

2015 "Concepts of the sign in Latvian scholarly thought." International Semiotic conference Semiotica2015, University of Lodz, Poland, 24-27 May.

2015 "Sabiedriskuma vērtību īstenošana Dziesmu svētku tradīcijā." 2nd Interdisciplinary academic conference "Music research in Latvia". Latvian Music Academy, Riga, 26-27 March.

2015 "Paula Jureviča komunikācijas modelis". RSU annual Academic conference. Riga, 26-27 March.

2014 "Was the crisis a good teacher? Latvians evaluate the Success story". Oslo and Akerhus University College, Oslo, 8 December.

2014 "Who needs a public sphere? Latvian lessons of the recession". "25 Years After: The Challenges of Building the Post-Communist Media and Communication Industries". Charles University, Prague, 20-22 November.

2014 "Cultural politics in Soviet Baltic republics". Baltic Studies in Russia. Russian State Archive for Social and Political History (RGASPI), Moscow, 12-14 November.

2014 „Visual semiotics of sculpture: A neglected plastic sign of 3D objects". 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. New Bulgarian University, Sofia, September 16-20.

2013 "Localisation trends in Latvian radio broadcasting". 5th International Readings „Mass Media and Mass Communications". Moscow State University, 14-15 November.

2013 „Television Changing Habits: Programming of the Soviet Latvia TV in 1960s". „Television Histories in (Post)Socialist Europe". Södertörn University, 7 November.

2013 „Iecirsts akmenī… Kapu piemiņas zīmju semiotika". „Folklore beyond the Words". Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia, Riga, 24 October.

2013 „Marketing the identity of 'Singing nation': Economic strategies of maintaining the Song festival tradition in Soviet Latvia".11th Congress of International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. Tartu University, Estonia, 30 June - 4 July.

2012 "The political aspects of the public art". Goethe Institut, Rīga, 4-5 October.

2012„Semiozes izpratne latviešu avotos". 21st Conference of the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia, Riga, 17 May.

2012„Cultural diversity: Culture in virtual space". Baltic International Academy, Riga, 31 May - 1 June.

2012 "Is the State like a Museum of Ethnography? A Critique of Latvian Programmes of Integration". 23rd International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, Chicago University, Chicago, IL, 27 – 29 April.

2011 „Tradition and its limits". Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia, Riga, 24-27 October.

2011 2nd Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts. 6-9 June, Athens, Greece.

2010 «Состояние и перспективы российско-латвийских отношений: ожидания от предстоящих выборов в Сейм Латвии». Российский государственный университет им. И. Канта, Калининград, 17 September.

2010 42nd Baltic Musicology Conference. Latvian Academy of Music, Rīga, 28-29 October.

2010 "Europe-Russia: Images, Contexts, Discourses". Riga, University of Latvia, 9-12 June.

2009"Beyond Cold War Linearities: Entangled Histories and Interactive Ideas". Budapest, 9-10 December.

2009 "European Democracy – foundations, milestones, possible futures". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Copenhagen, 2 June.

2009 RSU Academic conference. Riga, 2-3 April.

2009 "Wars of Statues in Latvia. Monuments Making and Telling History". Conference on the Historical Use of Images. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 10-11 March.

2008 "Soviet Culture: A Failed Project of Soviet Modernity?" Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius, 6-7 June.

2008 21st International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, May 29–June 1.

2008Interpretation of the Socialist Realist Art. Art Academy of Latvia, Rīga, May 19–20.

2008"Culture translation". Centre for Latvian Contemporary Art, Rīga, May 9–10.

2008Baltic Association of Media Researchers: Setting comparative Baltic-Nordic media research agenda. Kaunas University of Technology, 18–19 April.

2008Culture and Dialogue. LCC International University, Klaipeda, 11–12 April.

2007 „Holidays and festivities: traditions in Latvia". Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia, Riga, 30–31 October.

2007 Regards croisés franco-lettons sur l'Europe. Les représentations des identités

européennes et le défi de l'élargissement. Riga, 25–26 May.

2006 20th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. George Washington University, Washington DC, 15–17 June.

2006 The Rule of Law. A View From American West. Denver, CO, 19–22 April.

2005 17th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research. Aalborg, 12–14 August.

2004 Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. University of Latvia, Riga, 18–19 November.

2004 Kr. Barons Conference "Tradition and Creativity", Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia, Riga, 29 October.

2004 Changing and Overlapping Identities, University of Latvia, Riga, 17–18 September.

2004 19th International Conference of Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies. University of Toronto, Canada, 3–5 June.

2003 Language of Science. University of Latvia, Riga, 19 November.

2003 Post-communist transformation and democratisation in Latvia. University of Latvia, Riga, 17–18 October.

2003 F. R. Kreutzwald 200th anniversary conference. Tartu Learned Society, Tartu, Estonia, 17 January.

2002 Intercultural communication and media in search of common values. Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication, Riga, November 21–23.

2002 Re-thinking Culture and Literature: Transnational and Comparative Spaces. University of Latvia, Riga, 1–3 November.

2002 Mass Media and Communication in the e-Society of the 21st century: Access and Participation. Moscow State University, 17–19 October.

2002 18th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 6–8 June.

2002 First Eurasian Media Forum. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 26–28 April.

2002 61th Academic Conference of University of Latvia, Riga, 15–17 February.

2001 15th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Reykjavik University, 11–13 August.

2001 60th Academic Conference of University of Latvia, Riga, 12–14 February.

1999 14th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Kungälv, Sweden, 7–9 August.

1999 Media and Democracy, Goethe Institute, Riga.

1997 Prejudice and Racism in Media. Amsterdam University, 15–17 September.

1997 Media and Social Change. Napier University, Edinburg, UK, 3–5 September.

1997 Media Theory and Journalism Training: Allies or Enemies? Amsterdam University, EJC, Maastricht, 21–24 July.

1996 Garlieb Merkel Conference. Goethe Institute, Riga, 26 October.

1996 Post-Soviet Media. Stirling University, UK, 13–17 January.




2014-2017 "Understanding social change: Values and social conduct of individuals and groups", head of the research project​ (National Research Programme grant).

2013-2015 "Economic crisis in Latvia", head of the research project (Riga Stradins University grant).

2011-2013 "Social integration and linguistic policy in Latvia" (private grant).

2007-2011 "Cultural policy in Soviet Latvia" (private grant).

2007 Monitoring of news broadcasts on six Latvia's television channels (grant of the National Broadcasting Council).

2007 „Values of civil society in parliamentary discourse" (grant of the Soros Foundation – Latvia).

2007 „Homophobia in public discourse" (commissioned by the Latvian government).

2005 „Computerised analysis of the parliamentary discourse" (Internal grant of University of Latvia).

2005 „Tolerance in media and political discourse in Latvia" (grant of the Latvian government).

2004 "Television across Europe" (OSI-EUMAP project).

2004 „Audit of Democracy" (University of Latvia and Strategic Analysis Commission).

2002 "Electoral discourse in media" (Department of Integration of Latvian government).

2002 "Monitoring of the Social Integration Process and Policy" (commissioned by the Latvian government).

2000 "Analysis of Latvian media" (grant of the Soros Foundation-Latvia).

1997 "Towards Civic Society" (grant of the Soros Foundation-Latvia).




Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies

International Association for Semiotic Studies


Advisory Board of the National Broadcasting Council (2012-2013)

Advisory Board of the State Audit Office (2015-)




Research articles​​


Kruks, Sergejs. Politikas izzušana Saeimas diskursā / S.Kruks, I.Skulte // Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. A.daļa. - 70.sēj., Nr.3 (2016), 51.-58.lpp.

ParliSearch - a system for large text corpus discourse analysis / R.Dargis, G.Rabante-Busa, I.Auzina, S.Kruks // Human language technologies - the Baltic perspective : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Baltic HLT 2016 (Riga, Latvia, Oct.6-7, 2016) / edited by I.Skadiņa, R.Rozis. - Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2016. - P.115-121. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Kruks, Sergejs. Piemiņas zīmju semiotika Latvijas kapsētās / S.Kruks // Letonica. - [Nr.]29 (2015), [27.]-43.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Television changing habits : TV programming in 1960s Soviet Latvia / S.Kruk // Modernization, nation-building, and television history / ed. by S.Anderson, M.Chakars. - London : Routledge, 2015. - P.89-109.

Kruks, Sergejs. Diskurss, diskursa analīze = Discourse and discourse analysis / S.Kruks // Mūsdienu kultūras stāvokļi = Conditions for contemporary Culture. Riga / red. O.Redbergs. - [Rīga], 2013. - 253.-260.lpp. - Teksts paral. latv., angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Divas informācijas telpas, paralēlās informatīvi lingvistiskās telpas, sašķelta informācijas telpa = Two information spaces, parallel informative and linguistic spaces, a split information space / S.Kruks // Mūsdienu kultūras stāvokļi = Conditions for contemporary Culture. Riga / red. O.Redbergs. - [Rīga], 2013. - 187.-192.lpp. - Teksts paral. latv., angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Kultūra = Culture / S.Kruks // Mūsdienu kultūras stāvokļi = Conditions for contemporary Culture. Riga / red. O.Redbergs. - [Rīga], 2013. - 17.-32.lpp. - Teksts paral. latv., angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Kultūras kanons = Cultural canon / S.Kruks // Mūsdienu kultūras stāvokļi = Conditions for contemporary Culture. Riga / red. O.Redbergs. - [Rīga], 2013. - 49.-54.lpp. - Teksts paral. latv., angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Lenin Eestis : skulptuurid, õigus ja raha / S.Kruks // Vikerkaar. - No.4/5 (2013), p.134-144.

Kruks, Sergejs. Läti sotsiaalse lõimumise kontseptsiooni kriitika = A critique of the Latvian concept of social integration / S.Kruk // Vikerkaar. - N 10/11 (2012), p.137-152.

Kruks, Sergejs. Semiozes izpratne latviešu avotos : valodnieku un mākslas zinātnieku zīmes koncepciju kritika / S.Kruks // Letonika. - Nr.23 (2) (2012), 52.-66.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Tradīcijas robežas. Vasaras saulgriežu svētku pārveidošana 1960.-2010. gadā / S.Kruks // Letonica. - Nr.24 (2012), 34.-48.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.

Kruks, Sergejs. Evicting the speaking subject : a critique of Latvian concepts of language / S.Kruk // Journal of Baltic Studies. - Vol.42, N 4 (2011, Dec.), p.447-463.

Kruks, Sergejs. Agency, awakening and the audiovisual : developments in late-soviet Latvian broadcasting / S.Kruk, J.Chakars // Central European Journal of Communication. - Vol.3, N 1 (2010), p.53-65.

Kruks, Sergejs. Profit rather than politics : the production of Lenin monuments in Soviet Latvia / S.Kruk // Social Semiotics. - Vol.20, N 3 (2010), p.247-276.

Kruks, Sergejs. Wars of statues in Latvia : monuments making and telling history / S.Kruk // Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis - Revue Belge de philologie et histoire. - Vol.87, N 3/4 (2010), p.705-721.




Kruks, Sergejs. Kultūras jēdziens Latvijas politikas dokumentos : dubultā sociālā kontrakta leģitimācija / S.Kruks // 2017.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2017.g. 6.-7.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2017. - 372.lpp.

Kruks, Sergejs. Publiskās komunikācijas neveiksme semiotikas skatījumā / S.Kruks // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 316.lpp.

Kruks, Sergejs. Paula Jureviča komunikācijas modelis / S.Kruks // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 380.lpp.


Books and brochures​​


Ekonomiskā krīze Latvijā : veiksmes stāsta pēcgarša / S.Kruka redakcijā. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2016. - 225 lpp. - Teksts latviešu valodā, kopsavilkums angļu valodā.

Kruks, Sergejs. Pilsoniskā sabiedrība un komunikācijas prakse / S.Kruks // Ekonomiskā krīze Latvijā: veiksmes stāsta pēcgarša / S.Kruka redakcijā. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2016. - 7.nod., 153.-174.lpp.

Kruks, Sergejs. Priekšvārds / S.Kruks // Ekonomiskā krīze Latvijā: veiksmes stāsta pēcgarša / S.Kruka redakcijā. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2016. - 9.-17.lpp.

Kruks, Sergejs. Ārtelpas skulptūras semiotika, ekonomika un politika : pieminekļu celtniecība un demontāža Latvijā, 1945-2010 / S.Kruks. - [Rīga] : Neputns, [2011]. - 526 lpp.


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