Monta Madelāne
Academic Staff, Department of Internal Diseases
Acting Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health
Work experience
2015 - Present | InfectologistRiga East University hospital |
2015 - Present | Acting AssistantRīga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Infectology (Department of Infectology and Dermatology till 2019) |
Education and training
2015 - Present | Doctoral studies in MedicineRīga Stradiņš University |
2011 - 2015 | Residency in InfectologyRīga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Continuing Education |
1999 - 2002 | Master degree in Social SciencesThe University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management |
1996 - 1998 | Clinical Residency of Infectious DiseasesMedical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Higher Professional education |
1990 - 1996 | Physician degreeMedical Academy of Latvia |
Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade
2016 Infections of the musculosceletal system: Basic principles, prevention, diagnosis and treatment; Pro Implant foundation; 15.04.2016, Riga
02/2016 GCP certificate, issued by NIDA Clinical Trials Network
2016 ECDC, Control of Multidrug resistant microorganisms in Healthcare setting, courses, Stockholm, Sweden, 19-21.01.2016
2014 Salzburg Weill Cornell seminar in Infectious Diseases, September 7-13, 2014, Salzburg, Austria, American Austrian Foundation
2013 Intensive review of Internal Medicine, July 21- 28, 2013, The Harvard Medical School, Boston, US
2012 HIV and the Liver. The EASL Monothematic conference. London, UK, 7-8.12.2012
Field of research
Hospital acquired infections and antibacterial resistance
Joint and prosthetic infections
Lectured study course
Infectious Diseases
Clinical infectious diseases with the Social Work patients, clients with special medical problems
Infectious diseases and tuberculosis
Infectious Diseases I
Infectology and Dermatology
Infectious Diseases II
Supervised and reviewed student research papers
Student scientific work - 1
Member of the Latvian Infectologists and Hepatologists Association
Member of the Latvian Infectologists, Hepatologists and HIV/AIDS Specialist Association
Research articles
Association of non-invasive markers of liver fibrosis with HCV coinfection and antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV / O.Kolesova, J.Eglite, A.Kolesovs, A.Krumina, I.Eksteina, M.Madelane, L.Viksna // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.73, No.4 (2019, Aug.), p.400-402. - Web of Science un/vai Scopus. - DOI: 10.2478/prolas-2019-0062
Difference in markers of microbial translocation and cell apoptosis in HIV monoinfected and HIV/HCV coinfected patients / M.Madelane, A.Krumina, R.Simanis, G.Skenders, A.Ivanovs, G.Sture, L.Viksna // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.73, No.4 (2019, Aug.), p.304-311. - Web of Science un/vai Scopus. - DOI: 10.2478/prolas-2019-0048
Markers of liver fibrosis and apoptosis in patients with HIV mono-infection and HIV/HCV co-infection / L.Viksna, I.Eksteina, M.Madelane, I.Zeltina, A.Krumina, A.Kolesovs, R.Simanis // HIV & AIDS Review. - Vol.18, No.1 (2019, March), p.33-39. - Web of Science un/vai Scopus. - DOI: 10.5114/hivar.2019.84198
Sarežģītie deju soļi ap Laimas slimību : [stāsta neirologs, infektoloģes ...[u.c.]] / G.Karelis, M.Madelāne, D.Zavadska ...[u.c.] ; materiāla sagatavotājs E.Ritums // Medicus Bonus. - Nr.43 (2019, jūl./aug.), 10.-15.lpp.
Cik aktuāla Latvijā ir ehinokokoze? : praktiski ieteikumi ehinokokozes diagnostikai un ārstēšanai / L.Vīksna, S.Laivacuma, J.Eglīte, M.Madelāne, K.Ābeltiņa, A.Ivanovs ...[u.c.] // Medicus Bonus. - Nr.36 (2018, jūn./jūl.), 18.-[23.]lpp.
Zeltiņa, Indra. HIV infekcijas ārstēšanas iespējas mūsdienās / I.Zeltiņa, M.Madelāne // Doctus. - Nr.1 (2017, janv.), 40.-44.lpp.
Madelāne, Monta. Gripa un tās komplikācijas : [par gripas vīrusa izplatību, pazīmēm, komplikācijām un ārstēšanu] / M.Madelāne, M.Liepiņš // Doctus. - Nr.2 (2016, febr.), 27.-28., 30.-32.lpp.
Madelāne, Monta. Ērlihioze un anaplazmoze - mazāk zināmās ērču pārnestās infekcijas : [par akūtām ar drudzi noritošām ērču pārnestām slimībām] / M.Madelāne, A.Broduža, B.Rozentāle // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.6/7 (2015, jūn./jūl.), 52.-54., 56.lpp.
Klīnisko un bioķīmisko analīžu rezultātu izvērtējums nieru funkcijas prognozēšanā leptospirozes slimniekiem / B.Rozentāle, A.Ivanovs, M.Madelāne ...[u.c.] // Zinātniskie raksti : 2012.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 1.sēj., 57.-64.lpp.
Microbial translocation markers in HIV and HCV patients / M.Madelāne, Ģ.Škenders, D.Rudzīte, A.Ivanovs, L.Vīksna // Rīga Stradiņš University International Conference on Medical and Health Care Sciences "Knowledge for Use in Practice" (Riga, Latvia, Apr.1-3, 2019) : Abstracts / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Rīga, 2019. - P.221.
Bacterial translocation markers in HCV and HIV patients / M.Madelane, A.Ivanovs, M.Vīksna ...[et al.] // 35th Annual Meeting of NSCMID (Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) (Reykjavik, Iceland, Aug.19-22, 2018) : Abstract Book. - Reykjavik, 2018. - P.86.
Plasma levels of bacterial LPS and endotoxin antibodies in HIV mono-infected and co-infected with HCV patients [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Madelane, G.Sture, I.Eksteina, A.Ivanovs, L.Viksna // Journal of Virus Eradication [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.4, Suppl.1 (2018), p.25.
Serum markers of apoptosis and liver fibrosis in HIV and HCV co-infected patients [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Madelane, G.Sture, A.Ivanovs, L.Viksna // 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) (Madrid, Spain, Apr.21-24, 2018) : Abstracts [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Madrid, 2018. - Abstract No.E0203. - Resurss aprakstīts 2019.g. 19.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:
Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive infections (2013-2016) - results from the biggest clinical university hospital in Latvia [Elektroniskais resurss] / Z.Ozolniece, M.Madelane, L.Viksna ...[et al.] // 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) (Madrid, Spain, Apr.21-24, 2018) : Abstracts [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Madrid, 2018. - Abstract No.P0604. - Resurss aprakstīts 2019.g. 19.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:
The levels of hyaluronic acid in different HIV-infected patient groups [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Eksteina, M.Madelane, A.Kolesovs, L.Viksna // Journal of Virus Eradication [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.4, Suppl.1 (2018), p.25. - 2018 International Symposium on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID) (Marseille, France, May 16-18, 2018) : [Abstracts]. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: file:///C:/Users/olgsus/Downloads/1526657229JVE-4-1.pdf. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.
Cirkulējošo matricas metaloproteināžu-1, to audu inhibitoru un hialuronskābes līmeņa izmaiņas pacientiem ar HIV monoinfekciju un koinfekciju ar C hepatīta vīrusu / M.Madelāne, L.Vīksna, G.Stūre, A.Ivanovs // 2017.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2017.g. 6.-7.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2017. - 22.lpp.
Evaluation of proteinuria and erythrocyturia as prognostic factors of renal function in leptospirosis patients and correlation between number of inducing serovars and severity of leptospirosis : [abstract] / M.Madelane, I.Kozlovska, A.Broduza, B.Rozentale // Clinical Microbiology and Infection. - Vol.18, Special Issue, Suppl.s4 (2012, July), p.582. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.