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For Students
For RSU Employees

Toms Mārtiņš Smilga, a 5th-year student at the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Faculty of Medicine, recently became Chair of the Board of the RSU Student Union (SP, Studējošo pašpārvalde). Smilga comes from Aizpute, but he spent his high-school years in Liepāja. Although he has been playing volleyball since the 7th grade and initially planned to study law, he ended up studying medicine at RSU. He believes that RSU offers the best medical education in Latvia.


Smilga has participated in various RSU SP projects since 2019. In 2020, he began to focus on promoting research, and has now been elected the Chair of the Board of RSU SP.

In this video interview, Smilga talks about his path to RSU, his studies, and what he sees as priorities for 2022.