Exercise Online With the RSU Sports Club
For RSU Employees
For Students
Mārtiņš Markovs and Daina Lazdeniece-Auniņa, trainers at the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Sports Club, invite university students, lecturers and staff to participate in both group and individual sports classes online, starting from 7 April.
RSU students and staff can sign up for classes by clicking the "+ Join Group" button on the FB page below and enter their faculty or department.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:00
RSU functional training
Trainer: Daina Lazdeniece-Auniņa
- Wednesdays and Fridays at 18:00
RSU strength and interval training
Trainer: Mārtiņš Markovs
Stay healthy and exercise at home!
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