Join our VIP Indoor Air Smart Tracker team!
We are announcing new Vertically integrated project team in collaboration with Riga Technical University!
The RTU/RSU Vertically integrated projects’ Indoor Air Smart Tracker team will develop indoor air purification and disinfection robot prototype. The project includes identification and definition of appropriate control parameters of technologies used in robot prototype, as well as development of methodology and procedure of indoor air quality assessment and control measurements.
If you are a creative, active, and curious student of RTU or RSU interested in finding and implementing technical solutions, working with laboratory equipment, as well as planning and conducting experiments – let's work together.
Only for this team, students from any level of studies from RTU or RSU can apply and receive a 200–228 EUR monthly scholarship!
Classes take place every Wednesday from 16.30 to 19.00 at the RTU Design Factory.
RSU vertically integrated projects are implemented as a part of ESF co-financed project Improvement of Governance Processes and Modernisation of Contents of Study Programmes at Rīga Stradiņš University (No.
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