Medical students help prepare specimens for the Anatomy Museum
The second summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum was held from 6 to 7 August in which RSU medical students participated as volunteers. The main goal of the workshop was to prepare the collection of historical anatomical specimens for display in an upcoming exhibition. At the same time it provided the medical students with a great opportunity to take a closer look at the historical anatomical specimen collection, to apply and upgrade their knowledge, as well as to learn about the specimen preservation process.
This summer, museum specialists together with six enthusiastic and careful medical student volunteers polished the osteological collection and prepared wet specimen containers. After the museum restorer completed the restauration and conservation process, the volunteers assisted with the final stage – sealing the wet preparation containers and finishing the seal.
The RSU Anatomy Museum expresses its gratitude to medical student volunteers Paula Līva Palmbaha, Aleksandra Kamenska, Matīss Kore, Antons Polosuhins, Liene Tauriņa and Ivo Siņicins!