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The 2nd Latvian National Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine will take place online on 25-27 November 2021. This year’s motto is “Human. Environment. Involvement.” Participants will have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and participate in discussions, as well as to get their articles published in the congress’ archives. The event is organised by the Latvian Association of Rehabilitation Professional Organisations together with Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU).


The RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation educates and prepares prospective and current rehabilitation specialists, offering a wide range of study programmes at bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level.

The main topics of the congress are human functioning and rehabilitating COVID-19 patients. The congress will also look at other topical research and issues from the perspectives of professionals, rehabilitation organisations, patients and society.

The congress will take place in Latvian and English.

Thursday, 25 November: 

  1. Integrating rehabilitation services into healthcare systems and classifying rehabilitation services (Christoph Gutenbrunner);
  2. Germany’s experience with integrating evidence-based practices into rehabilitation (Uwe Koch-Gromus);
  3. The role of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians Section of the EU Medical Specialists in developing rehabilitation services (Anda Nulle);
  4. Organising rehabilitation services for victims of military activities, based on the experience of Israel (Iuly Treger) and Ukraine (Volodymyr Golyk);
  5. Psychological support strategies for working with patients in rehabilitation (Agnieszka Popiel, Christian M. G. Stierle).

Friday, 26 November:

  1. Rehabilitation challenges during COVID-19, experience from Sweden (Katharina Sunerhagen, Kristian Borg);
  2. Insight into the effects of COVID-19 on rehabilitation professionals (Paula Lebre); 
  3. Support systems in Latvia for reducing functional limitations and reforming disability assessment and technical aid circulation systems (Elīna Celmiņa, Guna Bērziņa, Irina Grečnaja).

Several sections will also take place on 26 November, at which the most topical issues related to the development, adaptation and use of assessment and evaluation tools, as well as the principles of setting and evaluating rehabilitation goals will be presented in addition to a seminar on the education of functional specialists in Latvia and an industry forum.

Current events of rehabilitation in oncology will be discussed on the final day of the congress, Saturday, 27 November.

See the full programme and register for the congress on the official website: