RSU Among 25 Best Universities in the World in Two U-Multirank 2021 Ranking Categories
This year, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) has managed to improve its performance in the international university ranking U-Multirank 2021. RSU obtained a total of nine highest A scores in the overall ranking and nine As in the evaluation of medical study programmes. RSU is also ranked among the leading 25 universities in the world in two categories.
U-Multirank is an international ranking that is being compiled since 2014. It compares the performances of higher education institutions in the five dimensions of university activity: research, teaching and learning, knowledge transfer, international orientation, and regional engagement. Unlike other global rankings, U-Multirank does not create ranking tables, but compares the performance of higher education institutions in different fields of activity, each of which is rated from "A" (very good) to "E" (weak). U-Multirank 2021 included a total of 1,948 higher education institutions in the list, 21 of which were Latvian universities.
This year, RSU improved its performance and obtained a total of nine A-scores on the institutional level and nine A-scores in the evaluation of medical study programmes. Last year, RSU stood out in the research category with its open access publications, but this year, RSU also received recognition for the innovative forms it assesses students. RSU ranks among the top 25 universities in the world in both of these sections.
RSU received the most A-scores in research, receiving the four highest grades in such categories such as the number of postdoctoral researchers at the university, the share of open access and professional publications, as well as the results of research-based creative activities. Regional involvement has been assessed as being RSU's second best area where it received three As (as it did the year before) for the regional employment opportunities of its bachelor's and master's degree graduates, as well as for the proportion of publications with co-authors from the region. Moreover, RSU has managed to improve its results in the international orientation dimension, where it received As not only for the proportion of foreign academic staff, but also for the share of publications with international co-authors.
Meanwhile, RSU also achieved a very good result in the U-Multirank 2021 medical ranking, obtaining nine As. It should be noted that RSU participated in this ranking for the first time this year and received three A-scores in the following indicators in the teaching and learning section: available hospital beds for teaching in healthcare institutions, innovative forms of assessment, and gender balance.
A further six A-scores (two in each area) were obtained in the following categories: research, international orientation and regional engagement. RSU receied two A-scores in the research section's open access publications category and the ability to attract external funding. Additionally, RSU received the highest grade in the international orientation section for the proportion of international research projects and for the international orientation of study programmes of the Faculty of Medicine.
RSU is balanced in its international and regional orientation, as evidenced not only by the latest U-Multirank results in the institutional, medical rankings. In regional engagement, RSU received an A for its ability to implement research in cooperation with local companies and institutions, as well as for providing placements in local healthcare institutions and clinics.
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